
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► Necromancy
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Post # 1
I understand that it wouldn’t be possible to raise a body, but say hypothetically that someone died in an extremely tragic way. Would it be possible to cast a spell and raise their soul to the point of speaking with them?
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 2
As beliefs say a person that dies a tragically and painfully are earth bound. They may or not be violent towards the living but I would suggest guidance from a higher ranking spirit that's link to the dead. Even though they be your friend or family that you want to communicate with after they pass its a possibility their memory are lost.
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 3

Necromancy is simply the practice of using divination to (believe you are) contact(ing) those who have passed. The circumstances of their passing do not matter, and many believe they're contacting loved ones or others who are in some sort of afterlife situation, whatever that may be. It has nothing to do with actually raising the dead; those ideas come from fiction and misunderstanding. Think more along the Witch of Endor from the Old Testament, who was consulted to basically channel the spirit of Samuel on Saul's behalf.

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