being a reincarnated god

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being a reincarnated god
Post # 1
What exactly, could you speculate, would be signs or major signs that you are in fact a reincarnated god?
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Re: being a reincarnated god
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This might sound harsh, but let me prefix this by saying there is a huge possibility [like 99% possibility] you're not a reincarnated God. I would also like to state if you are, you certainly aren't Zeus or Brigit or another deity people worship to this day. [I say this because I've been around in Pagan circles for nearly twenty years, I've met many people and read many articles and the only time anyone gave a credible explanation of being a reincarnated God they weren't shouting this fact from the rooftops nor were they ever a deity people worshipped. They were always deities lost to time] With this said, I personally believe it is possible but incredibly unlikely, and only deities who have given up their divinity would choose to be reborn. The following is UPG, so don't take my word as fact, just things to consider. [this also isn't something I've experienced or personally considered, I've just read articles and had friends interested in the subject. I've connected with past lives, and they were all human, no Gods]

1. You seem to know things you shouldn't know. Not just "wise beyond your years" but stuff like knowing someone died before their next of kin is notified. Reading books about certain topics for the first time and yet knowing the information [like you pick up a book on blacksmithing and somehow you know all the terms and techniques and reading it feels like a refresher instead of new information] these are signs of past life knowledge or higher psychic awareness so don't conclude it means you were a God, but if the things you are surprisingly gifted at are all the same talents of a particular God, this could be a sign.

2. Voices [please rule out anything mundane before concluding it's divine] You might be looking for something in an empty room and hear several people tell you the exact location as if the room is crowded. This can also be attributed to your spiritual team communicating with you as well as your higher self [meditate and use some type of divination to try and narrow down what it could be]

3. Stronger magickal abilities. Some people are just gifted like an artistic talent, but if you seem to only have one setting for your magick and that's high, this could be a sign of a divine past life. It doesn't mean you have superpowers, it just means when you cast spells, you're using a flamethrower instead of a match and you need to find a way to balance this.

4. Spiritual beings are drawn to or repelled by your aura. This can go one of two ways. Either you're energetic field is a magnet for spirits, faeries, demons any manner of divine beings. Or, your aura is intimidating and they avoid you because it's too energetically overwhelming [which would explain why you never have spiritual encounters regardless of how much time and effort you put in]

5. Reocurring dreams/visions. This would be of some type of divine leaning. Say you're in ancient Egypt in its full glory, people bow to you, you feel an overwhelming power within you, and the dream doesn't feel like a dream, but like you're physically in that moment. [this could be an indication of any reincarnation, not necessarily divine, it would be the energy you feel in that moment and if you use any divine powers that would point to a God over a priestess or pharaoh]

All of these things can also be used to help figure out past lives, spiritual teams, or magickal abilities. Be sure to always rule out mundane options before concluding you're Kali in human form or whatever else.
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Re: being a reincarnated god
Post # 3
Easily clearing all those things, what actual signals should be expected. Something defining. I experience those things daily, along with physically able to sense aura, divinity, and experiencing being in the afterlife.. I'm looking for a definite answer. No I'm sure the "all so very mightier "gods"" wouldnt leave their cushion-y space to be human again. Thank you for your time.
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Re: being a reincarnated god
Post # 4
Also, i do assume we all naturally have these gifts, would that assumption be incorrect?
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Re: being a reincarnated god
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Yes, we all have these gifts, which can result from many different things. Knowledge of things you never studied could be from any past life. [the ability to communicate with and see spirits as well as prophetic dreams is something women in my family are able to do from birth. I'm a natural with tarot, my great-grandfather read tea leaves, I had an aunt who read bones, my grandfather could make predictions through patterns in clouds] All of these things could simply be you've got a stronger spiritual awareness, a genetic talent, memories from a past life, spirit communicating with you.

I would look into past life regression, trance work, dream work, even hypnosis to a degree to try and connect with your past lives and gain insight into your conundrum because ultimately, how you discover you are a reborn God is through deep spiritual work. [it's like a few years ago when everyone was swearing they were indigo children and star seeds when it was a combination of neurodivergence and a desire to be special. But people would read "top ten ways to tell you're a star seed" and they would just check off the list instead of doing the actual spiritual work because it takes more effort]
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