i need help

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i need help
Post # 1
A few months ago I had a thought that I could turn myself into a werewolf or something like that, but I tested a spell to see if it worked, but it didn't work, so I tried another spell and I think it worked, because after that I felt like I could hear and smell better than before the spell I had tested, but I really feel like I'm part of a wolf family.
I also have a feeling like when I "sleep" in the school bus and when I talk to something that my brain created, her name is neequ she is an angel, but after I sleep and get out of the bus I feel like I am in the real world, but I am also in another world. And when I've hung something on the wall, and then when I go to bed and lie under it, I feel more sleepy, and I'm not very good at falling asleep, but when I've hung it on the wall, I feel really sleepy and I fall asleep quickly.

Re: i need help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I'm not sure what it is that you are asking for help with. Can you clarify what your question is a bit more.

But, I will also add that there is no spell that will turn you into a werewolf or any other sort of creature. Magic cannot change your DNA like that and your DNA makes you human and nothing more.

Re: i need help
Post # 3
Sorry to say there’s no such spell as lark says to change your DNA especially when it comes to the whole vampire werewolf situation.

Re: i need help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
As mentioned above, no spell will transform you into a werewolf. Magick doesn't contradict nature. You were born human and no spell will change that.

Regarding the "I cast a second spell and now I hear/smell better and have a connection with wolves" that's probably a placebo. You want it to be real, so your mind tricked itself into believing it is [this is a real phenomenon. People can convince themselves they're pregnant and can even start to show and lactate in extreme examples. Happens in other animals too like mice, dogs and pigs]

I'd also argue while the spell is fake, you could've charged energy and it had to go somewhere, so it's built up in your body and causing these strange dreams and perceptions. Try grounding your energy and doing an energy cleanse.

As for Neequ and the bus situation, that confuses me. [you might want to elaborate because it sounds bizarre and nonsensical] What might have happened is the spell has created a thoughtform, or perhaps you somehow alerted a spiritual being to you. If it's a thoughtform, it'll go away once you stop feeding it energy. If it's a spiritual being, you can research and test if it's an angel or other creature [werewolves are astral beings, so it's possible you contacted one] It could also be a mental health issue and you should speak to a doctor about it [there's nothing wrong with having a mental health diagnosis, I've got C-PTSD. You can have mental health problems and still do magick. You should rule out mundane answers before assuming magickal ones]

Re: i need help
Post # 5
Well idk if neequ she really feels like extreme real I think it's something My Brian has done to make me fell better I also fell like I'm part of nature like I have a feeling I have to do something idk what it is but I just have a feeling too. I had a kind of a dream about a girl who had a hole in her head there was blood in the dream idk how but it felt real at the time and I even remember how the dream was too. when I do something i dont know what I'm doing but when I do I fell like I'm going into my soul or brian
Can you help me to explain why this happens and how

Re: i need help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Please remember that text speak is not permitted on this site. You need to spell out your words completely. It's "I don't know", not "idk". The only exceptions are "lol" and "brb". Many of our members do not speak English as a first language and text speak is confusing to them.

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