Spell to Trap Asmodeus

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Spell to Trap Asmodeus
Post # 1
I need a spell to trap Asmodeus because he will not stop to attaching me after some spellwork I did over a year ago. See, my old roommates were bullying me and were just really hypocritical about a lot. I couldn’t afford to move, so I was mature with them for months, but one day I finally just had enough and cursed one of them. Like, these girls were so bad that I cried once. He attached to feed, but I took the spell back within an hour because I felt really bad about it and did a healing spell that month to rectify it and clear up some of her depressive energies because I am an empath. The demon never left.

I have tried everything I can think of or find online. Black salt, sage, sage and cobalt mixtures, banishing candles, bay leaf, pine, red and black pepper, black cohosh, blessing candles, blessing water, holy water, mantras and an array of crystals either will not work or will temporarily remove him. He keeps coming back. I bought exorcism oil that really only made his eyes turn white when I’d see them in meditation after using it. I also had a removal session, but he came back. For a while, he was well managed until I had a mental breakdown due to years of traumatic abuse after something I had not yet fully dealt with came up. I actually had to go to the hospital were I was put into an intensive therapy program.

After that, he got worse, and I’m actually pretty worried because he has been attempting possession and tries to get me to kill. I fill myself with golden light to get him to back down. I work on my mental health and have been doing better, but it still worries me because what if I have a bad breakdown and he takes over? After that issue, even my phenacite was not as effective. I looked to the Key of Solomon and found out I have to use the blood of a black hen. I am totally against hurting an animal over my own mistakes. Since he keeps coming back, trapping may be the best option.
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Re: Spell to Trap Asmodeus
Post # 2
Hi friend. Just to let you know it's not Asmoday (like they called the spirit in ancient times) it could be another spirit. Not to brag, but I imprisoned Asmoday using his sigil in a black box with vinegar and all sorts of ingredients about a year ago. Unless he got released from umbral by another person, or, expelled - yes, he could be torturing you. But I suspect it could be another spirit. Belzebuth was the spirit that according to ancient history, tried to haunt King Solomon (son of David). It could be it, but I'm unsure. That spirit loves to haunt people. Asmoday on the other side, is more related to love issues and is not the type to haunt people unless you drew his sigil and asked for something. I tortured Asmoday and then imprisoned him.
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Re: Spell to Trap Asmodeus
Post # 3
Asmoday commands a legion of spirits. So he could of sent one of his own to torture you. I highly doubt it's Asmoday. But if I'm wrong and it is, you're in serious danger. If it is him, summon archangel Michael with blue candles, sigil with chalk on the floor, sugar, incense and clean water. Ask him to protect you against all evil and offer the archangel the sugar, the incense and the clean water. Don't make a pact with the archangel. That's as dangerous as summoning a spirit. You do that and Michael will protect you. You place your hand over the chalk sigil, evoke him. If you feel a strong presence (like a chill) it means he's by your side. Ask him to fix the situation and undo the curse. He'll help you out.
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Re: Spell to Trap Asmodeus
Post # 4

I know people that work with him so I have doubts that you trapped him.

Anyway, to the original poster, if you have serious issues after doing this, you should seek out a priest or religious leader of your faith and have them perform cleansing and purifications for you. It sounds like a case of demonic oppression. Worst case scenario, you'll need an exorcism performed.

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Re: Spell to Trap Asmodeus
Post # 5
I think he might’ve done it before I did the spell. I hope he adds me back so I can get a direct response.
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Re: Spell to Trap Asmodeus
Post # 6

It looks like his account isn't here anymore. The black letters means it's gone, I think. So most likely you won't get a response from them.

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