trinka and tasvian

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trinka and tasvian
Post # 1
Had a vivid dream of visiting unknown world more or less like ours, where people seem to remember me from earlier and they did seem familiar to me too although I never dreamed of that before.

Before I woke up last moment I struggled to read from the book which was on the table, there was name TRINKA and language Prosvian-Tasvian. The book was quite large and cut out in pentagram shape with large pentagram hole in the middle.

Google doesnt know anything about this, found only this forum where Trinka Five was mentioned.

If anyone has any info please help I'm 46 and know when something is strange. Will update if anything new, have feeling this is not the end.
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Re: trinka and tasvian
Post # 2

Your experience falls unde what is considered unverifiable personal gnosis. It is something which you experienced, and is not a knowable, verifiable sort of thing.

The alternative would be if you had, for example, encountered others' experiences which directly mirrored or associated with your own -- similar names or settings, or the language, for example. In which case, it would be verifiable gnosis as it would align in a sense with the experiences of others.

Since it was a dream (and I would say similar about a vision or even an astral or otherwise spiritual journey), your best bet is utilizing some of the methods available to further explore subconscious experiences. One of these is Jung's Active Imagination exercise, which is a visualization experience in which you recall characters and even inanimate objects from dreams and have an interview with them, one-on-one. Asking constructive questions is key. But it can only give you the answers from within your own mind, and on that sort of symbolic level.

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Re: trinka and tasvian
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spiritual Creatures.
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