How neutralize sour jar?

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How neutralize sour jar?
Post # 1
if a witch or sorcerer has an old sour or break up jar with liquids and written names etc, and now he/she wants to neutralize it(but do not want throwing the entire jar away) what are the best methods?

What about opening and throwing the liquid contents, saltz etc, to the toilette, filling the jar with clean water and putting the paper names into a jar filled with sweet contents like honey etc? I am interested in knowing about if there are somewhat methods similar to this latter one I have mentioned.

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Re: How neutralize sour jar?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This might be a bit unusual, but my first thought would be to open the jar, make an affirmation of dismissal, and then drop in a sizeable lump of baking soda.

Sour jars are built on acid and anger, basically. And baking soda is exceptionally good at neutralizing. So it is a literal countering of an imbalance (acidic ph) and returning it to a balanced (neutral ph) state. Though do it in a sink because it might foam up and make a mess.

Once it is done foaming (a very apropos act of letting out the bad air, in the literal form of co2) and the reaction has stopped, remove the solid items, papers, nails, etc and either toss them physically into the trash, or bury them with a pinch of salt (for grounding/release). Then give the jar a thorough washing to get all the gunk out and it should be good to go.
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Re: How neutralize sour jar?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: How neutralize sour jar?
Post # 4
Thanks for your answer.
If the liquid is not vinegar but high grade alcohol and saltz, would be also good and convenient baking soda?

Regarding the papers with only written person´s names, time ago I read don´t remember where, that these papers could be soaked in clean water and then keep inside a bottle filled with oil essences and other componets giving good vibrations and energies, like peppermint, honey, cinnamon etc. Could this be done too?
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Re: How neutralize sour jar?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
This is personal gnosis here, but I would still use baking soda. It isn't just the literal act of the chemical reaction that does it for me- it is also that symbolic meaning and association. When I see baking soda, I think 'neutralize', because that is what it does. So I associate it with bringing things back into balance. Which is what you want if you are undoing/taking apart a spell. Especially one based on ill will.

As far as repurposing the pictures, written name, etc I imagine you could do that. It sounds like you want to do a sweet jar after dismantling a sour one. As long as the picture (etcetera) hasn't been torn or destroyed/made into a soggy lump then it could enhance the idea of reversing specifically what was done. But personally I would probably just use a new picture or make new writings to put in. Treat it as a fresh new working.
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