Erotic dream

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Erotic dream
Post # 1
Hi! Newbie here with a question. I have protected myself with a satchel under my pillow with a mixture of things and it's always helped me against any astral attacks. Lately, I've been feeling some astral energy get by but not really sure if that is what I'm picking up on or just stress. So, I have done everything from meditation to a number of other things for stress. Here is the kicker this morning I had an erotic dream of a gift. It was a chocolate candy that came from another country. I love imported candy, but this one is not your ordinary blocks of chocolate that melts on your tongue and you go about your business. No, this candy made my sexuality along with my inhibitors of being faithful to my husband go out the window. I had sex with my husband, and actually felt penetration and I had an orgasm that woke me up. Went back to sleep and dream picked up where it left off. This candy made me have so many urges, that I slept with any man I could get my hands on, including women. I'm 100 percent heterosexual and I am 100 percent faith and loyal to my husband. Even so, I am very picky on what gets me going. This dream was so odd to me, that my suspicion of someone getting through my dreams like I had thought before was being too hard to ignore after this dream. The odd thing is, it did not feel like my husband and it didn't look like him, but in my dream it was him, same name and everything. The only penetration I felt was his. I feel like maybe I am obsessing over this a bit. But it's made highly uncomfortable to think that maybe someone is invading my dream to get me to sleep with them. But for the life of me I can't think of one spell that might be casted on me to get this. I spoke to my husband who is a pagan practitioner and he has offered to give me his protection but he feels it might be more than one thing, so that it's harder to break. He is currently working on something to protect me, but I feel that if this is work of someone they will find a way to get through that barrier. If this is someone's work, I want to break it if possible. Any advice, please. I'm at my wit's end and the more I think this could be something, the more worried it makes me.
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Re: Erotic dream
Post # 2

I find it interesting that you decided to eat the chocolate in your dream. Take a look at Fairy magickand it will tell you to beware of such things. Few people will eat anything that is given to them by a stranger in the waking world. The same caution should be adhered to in the astral.

For now, do a bit of cleansing for your person and put up some wards around your sleeping quarters. That area should be off limits to any kind of magickal activity. I would think that the spell should weaken within a few days. Avoid chocolates in any case, that just adds energy to the spell by having your subconscious relate the taste to a bad experience.

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Re: Erotic dream
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: Erotic dream
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Most often, dreams have much more relevance to the subconscious than they do with anything else. Personally, I would advise a short hiatus from the situation. Give yourself a chance to distance yourself emotionally from the event so you can examine it as it is rather than as you fear it might be.

Even Sigmund Freud, the subconscious sex-obsessed studier of the psyche that he was, also recognized this. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Another thought, is that when a person is trying to build protections it is difficult to achieve from a place of fear and anxiety. You undermine your own protections because you doubt yourself and their effectiveness. Or you continue to dwell on the source of the fear. "What if it comes back?" "Is it sitting just out of sight, waiting?" "Did I get rid of it, or is it still attached somehow?" By constantly thinking about it you keep feeding the idea energy. You hold it to yourself.

And as a double-whammy you start convincing yourself of your own perceived weakness. "Am I strong enough?" "Did I even do it right?" "Do I even have the ability to block this?". You become an architect of your own problems, guided by your fears.

Again, step back and take a breath. Separate yourself from the situation. Realize that you are protected, you are safe, and you can only be affected by what you allow. You have active will. You have ownership of your agency. You are the maker of your choices.

Besides! A funky dream could give inspiration to spice up the real bedroom if you remember the fun bits. I little shake-up to routine is never a bad thing. Neither is a bit of healthy discussion (or even fantasizing) with a consenting partner.

I never have understood the silly taboos of intimacy, especially between mates and partners. It is your bedroom. The only people fit to judge are those who reside in it.
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Re: Erotic dream
Post # 5
This is been so helpful thank you so much. I will take both of these comments to heart. FYI I DO have a tendency to underestimate myself a lot. My son and daughter and husband always say this. My daughter is always telling me, "Mom, stop with all the doubts you are great at manifesting and just like you do good with any kind of manifestation there is bad as well!" The odd thing, is I used to tell her this all the time, because she had such amazing energy. So, I know better, but I lose my step and faith in myself a lot of times. Thank you, for that, I needed to hear that. Also, the fairy magic makes sense to me, I've had a lot of mischievous behavior that my husband said it seems to be magic of the fae and they maybe drawn to me for some reason. Because it only happens to me. But again, thank you both.
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Re: Erotic dream
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Happy to help. And you aren't alone in that confidence struggle. It is just naturally easier to lift another person from their doubts than it is to release one's own.

I mean, after all, we are acutely aware that we are biased towards ourselves and our experiences. How can we trust our opinions about ourselves? Of course something feels real-we're the ones who felt it! But if another person sees it in you too, they are not biased. They had to observe and recognize it. So it is easier to accept.

Hang in there, and even if you don't trust yourself, trust in their trust in you.
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Re: Possibly Bisexual
Post # 7

You might be bisexual.

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