Seasons with Dragons:

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Seasons with Dragons:
Post # 1
Hello there yes I'm new on spells of magic. In this thread I write about the draconic energie level and how that will change in the seasons.

-Start spring: extra strong
-Mid-spring: strong
-Start summer: normal
-Mid-summer: normal
-Start fall: not very strong
-Mid-fall: strong (Halloween)
-Start winter: not very strong

At pagan hollidays the energy will turn very strong again.
This could be a base for doing rituals because of energy shiftings of dragons in the seasons.

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Re: Seasons with Dragons:
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I am curious of what you mean by Dragon energy levels. Are you referring to the strength of presence of dragons themselves?
The potency of the energy they are related to and/or the ability to connect and channel it? Or are you viewing draconic energy as an expression of earth magnetic/ley line energy?
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Re: Seasons with Dragons:
By: / Novice
Post # 3
@ Architecture, Dragon's are astral beings, not physical ones. Different planes have different laws when it comes to magick. When they visit the physical, they are still astral [think of spirits] but their magick is limited by the laws of the physical plane. Going between planes of existence requires a lot of energy to do, and as the wheel of the year turns, the veil between planes grows thicker and thinner. That's why there are more spirits around Samhain/Halloween, the veil is thin, spiritual beings can communicate [that's also why there are similar holidays around the world. Ancient people noticed the shift in the energy]

As for Mythical6's comment, it looks to align with the veil throughout the year, but it could also mirror your energy. Are there are certain times you feel more excited to practice over others? [I do almost nothing in the summer because the heat is a drain on my energy. From Mabon-Beltaine I'm far more active, so I notice more spiritual interactions] Regarding Pagan holidays, while there are 8 common ones, build your wheel however it feels best. Are there certain Dragons you'd rather work with at certain times? Perhaps honour the four elemental Dragons at specific times [fire at the summer soltice for example]
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