Days of the week...

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Days of the week...
Post # 1
Greetings everyone.

I'm a baby witch. I have been trying to find out what days of the week correspond to what spells. I've found a bunch of conflicting information and I'm not sure which is legitimate.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be very greatful.
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Re: Days of the week...
Post # 2

There is conflict and variation because it is not a concete thing. Some people associate the days of the week with the deities they're named for, and what corresponds to those deities, for example. Sure, there are lists here and there, but what it really boils down to is your own beliefs. Many people will do a working as it is needed, and not necessarily according to moon phase or day of the week.

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Re: Days of the week...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: Days of the week...
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I find the specific day of the week to not really matter. They don't specifically reflect any natural/observable cycles and are just a function of a man-made calendar.

If I was concerned about building up momentum behind a spell, I usually look to the lunar/solar cycle as they are observable and indicative of periods of balanced/passive or imbalanced/active forces.

Times of balance are when both sides of the cycle are equal. For example dawn/dusk, Half-moon (waxing or waning) and the solar equinoxes. These are seen as gateway or 'between' times and useful for spells involved in transitioning either into something, or away from something.

Times of imbalance are when one side of the cycle is at its strongest or weakest over the other side. Like the full or new moon, mid-day or mid-night, or the solstices. These times are about setting actions into motion. Movement occurs towards the path of least resistance so these times are when a person wants to apply force/push things in a specific direction.

The days of the week don't have any comparable ebb and flow. There is no specific 'strong' day or 'balanced' day. The days of the week are more centered on practical life and is basically just a convenient construct.
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Re: Days of the week...
Post # 5


You will find many different correspondences for magical days depending on the personal belief systems of the authors of these correspondences. For example a common correspondence I have come across is to perform love workings on a Friday, corresponding to the goddess Venus.

Personally I do not cast spells using magical days or moon phases. I tend to cast spells when the need for spellwork arises, when and where I can.

Adhering to magical days their correspondences and moon phases is a personal choice. Essentially choose which correspondences personally appeal to you if you do decide to use them. You could also write up your own correspondence system if that interests you.

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Re: Days of the week...
Post # 6
In a very general term, it would depend on the planet of the day for example Friday for Venus and Tuesday for Mars. You'll then find the traits of the planets like Mars is assertiveness and base your spell off that.

I don't use this method.i cast via intuition
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Re: Days of the week...
Post # 7

It depends on the person, belief, and practice.

In my practice, each month is associated with a God (e.g December is Diynisous)

I will make a post on daily practice as a Greek Cosmic WItch.

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Re: Days of the week...
Post # 8

i have the days table with european old god names on it like archeology ( see it in my gallery )

it depends on what kind of spell is that( it doesnt mean you couldnt use it in other days ,but it just more wider gate/connection to the element on that day)
-example: in south east asian there is melayu people who believe dont start business in tuesday and saturday , even there are people who not going to open shop in tuesday
-then in hindu india tuesday there is Manggal, Mars , god of war , so it believe doing business in that day will only make war ,battle with each other , also in saturday there is shani ,saturn , god that make bad luck ,misery to punish ,so start in that day will make bad things ,this hindu things is same like melayu people believe in south east asian, just google javanese calendar, days , weirdly the hindi calendar planet on days is same of that european calendar even the the gods characeristic almost same
in hindu mantras also there is a instruction about when we chant it ,clothes color,etc so there is time period across many culture of world
we all have element in bodies&mind when we born , born time,days,month,years there are 12zodiac x 2yinyang =24hours , 12 months , 12 years ,6+1 days,see the horoscope zodiac or chinese zodiac or other zodiac , planetary ,elements
so the days element is correspond to your born element ,there are people who almost always get lucky in wednesday night ,and get loss on monday morning ,if he is writting diary mark his days when he is the most happy and most desperate stress
its like in the case when tesla born there is thunder so many , and yet he is inventor of the electricity and also " map of multiplication"
dont tell other your born time clock ,because such information could be used in black magic attack that target you more powerfull

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