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Post # 1
Have you ever seen any creatures of myth before? Dragons, unicorns, and even faries? Anything that you believe is strange can be posted here. If you have seen stuff like this, did you seek them out or did they come to you, or was it all by chance? I'd love to hear about your experiences
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Re: Creatures
Post # 2

While I was casting a bay leaf wish spell, I saw a bright, almost neon, orange four-legged creature a few yards away from me. I saw it for only half a second before it vanished. It was in my vegetable garden, which was in front of me and not that far away. It seemed to be sprinting to my left too. I decided that it was energy of some sort, and through some more research, found out it was a fairy. I greet the energies in my garden more often now.

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Re: Creatures
Post # 3

There used to be an old sport building in my town. When I was in high school someone said to me as we walked by she saw a ghost dog in the building. At the time I was not into the occult or ghost stories or even witchcraft. I didn't think to much of it until recently this year. The building had to be torn down because it was holding some rather toxic chemicals that could harm the people of the town. Not to mention the building was right on a park near a child care, so the mayor had to remove it in fear of public health.

That's when I started to notice white shadows going by me. I didn't think much of it until the old story about the ghost dog flood in my mind as I walked by the park one day. I kept seeing these shadows thinking it was the light playing tricks on me. Until one day I got a glance at three dogs in the afternoon. The building had been a frequent spot for the dogs. They pretty much chill at my house now whenever they come to visit earth.

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Re: Creatures
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I'm not sure if this applies because it was instigated, and not a chance encounter really. I had done a guide-calling a while before, and as is true to my nature I spent a year almost to the day completely oblivious to the presence trying to get me to pay attention.

Finally my guide (a dragon) got fed up enough to invade a dream and throw himself up against a mirror (from the inside/other side of it) while I was looking into it. Waking up sitting bolt upright and with a pounding heart was what it took to finally get my attention.

Since then I see and feel him around me on a regular basis as we work together.
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