my beliefs!

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my beliefs!
Post # 1
I have the right to believe in what I want!! So stop judging me!!
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Re: my beliefs!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You have a right to believe whatever you wish, but belief doesn't negate reality. Some people believe the earth is flat, despite it being round, their belief or lack of belief doesn't affect the shape of the earth. Your belief in whatever it is you believe doesn't mean it's real. You can believe, for example, you can fly, but you can't. Magick is a real force, but it has limits. Magick is a neutral energy of nature, it's ruled by nature, and doesn't contradict nature. These are the facts you need to accept. Humans can't fly by nature, and since it would contradict natural law, no spell will make you fly either. You can look into astral projections as other planes of existence have their own rules and limitations, but we live on the physical plane, and on the physical plane, magick is a force of nature, ruled by nature, and cannot contradict nature.

As for "I have the right" 1. this is the internet, the laws of your country don't apply to everyone. 2. this is a free and open forum, anyone can comment [unless they violate site rules]

As for "stop judging me" 1. I'm not judging you [i don't even know what your beliefs are, outside of your previous forum post which violates the sites "no roleplaying" rule] 2. if someone disagree's with you, it doesn't mean they're judging you. 3. if someone's trying to help you, it doesn't mean they're judging you.

You will meet people who don't understand you or disagree with you all the time, learn not to take it personally and shrug it off. I try helping people and get my head bitten off for it all the time because people assume I'm a bad person ruining their fun when I'm just someone who's studied for 15 years and want to help new members who seem confused. [and I'm sure you'll think I'm a hater who's judging you, rest assured, I'm neither, just trying to help. If you decide to ignore my words and keep believing whatever it is you believe, I don't care. If you want information to help you study, I'm happy to provide them. Either way, your life, as long as you're not kicking puppies I don't care how you chose to live it]
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Re: my beliefs!
Post # 3
You can believe what you want it is uour private business Blessed Be
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