Knowing what you want

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Knowing what you want
Post # 1
Do you know what you want?
Silly question but given all the powers int he universe, I can think of anything I'd want more than to have enough money to travel the world travel to far places with my family and experience the world.

Getting to that place in life is no easy task, we'd be talkign successful business ventures, a windfall (unlikely) or some other life changing event

How then do you decide what you need next in life, to better your existence and if it would even be granted?

Magic for lottery wins very rarely wins.. maybe magcik to find the best odds would be useful but thats how magick works, you ask how to better yourself or move up a level opposed to the end game result overnight...
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Re: Knowing what you want
Post # 2

For me knowing what I want comes in time. I have all these ideas flowing through my mind, but I don't know what one should I pluck from and plant in my garden to grow. So, after a mistake which I shouldn't call mistake, but a learning process in my growth do I take the ideas that I like and actually form something that I want. If my mind and heart wants two different things then I go and do those two different things.

I allow my curiosity to lead me and not my fear to help me understand what I really want in life and while I stumble and fall and have some doubts here and there or maybe think I'm not getting anywhere. I know at the end of the day I would know what I want and I have a life to look back on with experiences on both good and bad. Like picking up bread crumbs it all leads to somewhere, that somewhere is just another thing that I want in my life and I'm happy for it.

To me magic is just a tool to help me get to where I want to go and get me what I want.

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