
Forums ► General Info ► Prayer
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Post # 1
I was on a magic site and there was a person who had said that magick is basicly a prayer to watever higher powers u believe in.
But alot of other sites say that the power of magick comes from within the caster. I just wanted to hear some of your opinions on which is true (or truer).
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Re: Prayer
Post # 2
I choose the second one. =P I got no religion, but my spells work. ^^
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Re: Prayer
Post # 3
They are both true. Magick isnt a form of prayer because its varies. Spells, on the other hand, are like prayers. And depending on how much energy you put out, you will receive an answer.
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Re: Prayer
Post # 4
In a way a spell is like a prayer if you are using higher magick. However for lower magick it is not, so any magick involving your own energy rather than the energy of a deity or the universe isn't really a prayer. My opinion
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Re: Prayer
Post # 5
this one can swing both ways as yes it is and no its not... just like everyone else has said all there giving is there opinion i dont think there is a true yes or no to your qustion you will have to answer it for your self if you think you are doing them by prayer then thats it. I think it comes from within the caster but thats my opinion.....
you however never gave yours what is yours?
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Re: Prayer
Post # 6
yes and no
there are two types of spell casting:

1.using your own powers
2.with magick asking certein dieties spirits angels or what ever to do the work for you

the second one shall not necessery be called spell casting but alsso could be called prayer
(and it is called that way by most people)
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Re: Prayer
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
I see spell work and other forms of magic as prayers because you are not only using the energy within but the energy without. "God", by this I mean the higher powers at be, is the one who decides what happens in the universe. When you are able to manipulate energy it is god giving you the ability to do so.
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Re: Prayer
Post # 8
Everyone holds a piece of the Goddess within their souls. 'Thou art God' So there's no dif between Magick Within or Magick Without, It's all prayer.

DISCLAIMER: This is MY opinion. Others may and do hold other truths to be self evident. LOL.

Gotta run. Work Calls.
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