Saying goodbye politely?

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Saying goodbye politely?
Post # 1
I was just curious about how to politely tell an entity to leave? For example if you summon someone and talk with them, how would you nicely tell them to leave after the conversation?
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Re: Saying goodbye politely?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Generally, it can depend on the entity. Some will go when you ask them to leave or say goodbye others need a nudge to do so. I've always found that simply saying: "Thank you for being with me. I appreciate your presence here. Please go in power and peace." Or something of that nature. It's just like when you're speaking with a person. The same manners and respect apply.

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Re: Saying goodbye politely?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
As Misanthropy said, the same rules apply as when speaking to a person. I've been told that typically they should be treated like a stranger you're on the phone with for the first time. Kind, but don't let yourself be mistreated and don't mistreat them. If the spirit is forceful or rude about leaving, it's okay to be forceful right back when telling them to leave. Just remain as respectful as possible about it.
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