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Post # 1
are candles in spells necessary to the spell if it doesn't require burning something or using the wax? I need to know because I have a family of Christians that hate the thought of me trying to use magic. Therefor, i can only practice magic in my room and don't want to risk burning the house down.
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Re: Candles
Post # 2
Candles are there to help you focus. You will need them until you are advanced enough to control the energies around you.
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Re: Candles
Post # 3
Candles represent Fire. Thry also serve to give extra energy to a spell, but no theY are not absolutely necessary to wotk a spell, they just make it easier to do for a beginner. Just use something else tu represent fire if you use elements during your ritual or spellworking. a brick of charcoal or an unlit match, anything that holds the potential for fire.

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Re: Candles
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
If you are using candle magic then yes, the candle is very necessary. Candle magic spells usually have you write/draw on a candle and anoint it. The energy of the spell is released as the candle burns. If the spell you are wanting to do is part of candle magic then there really is no way to cast the spell with out lighting the candle. However if the spell just has you light a "working candle" then you don't have to light it. Like TheCorne stated you just need something to represent fire.
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