Ignored after love spell?

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Ignored after love spell?
Post # 1
I used a lust spell on an individual from the Damon Brand book Magickal Seduction.
This person lives very far away from me in another country which I know can make spells like this more difficult. plus he has always been kinda flakey and also from an old money type of family that sort of always sticks together and things like that.
He often expresses interest in me and we chat on the internet most the time because of the distance.
Then a month after the lust spell, I noticed him always wanting to chat me up non stop and in a lustful manner. He would also always ask when I come to his country (which I come to a few times a year).
Finally I made arrangements to go, but before going I did a love spell from the same book. Though we kept talking for a bit...meeting up with him got difficult when I got there and we never ended up meeting because he just flat out stopped talking to me! Like didnt even open the last message I sent him which is unusual. Even at times when he didnt reply to things he would at least look at them. He was out of town for work when I showed up but said he wanted to meet during this one day in the week. Came that day, he wasnt feeling well. Then I was like no big deal perhaps tomorrow and he was like probably better. The next day I asked how he was doing and no opening the message and no reply....this was 3 weeks ago. I did notice via social media he had left town to see his family but hasnt talked to me at all during this time and he was always did...especially after the lust spell

Has anyone ever had this kind of experience after setting a love spell? I am hoping maybe it may be the universe not seeing it as quite the best time for us spending time together but I wonder what has made him so distant....
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Re: Ignored after love spell?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Site Spells Discussion.
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Re: Ignored after love spell?
Post # 3

I'm really sorry that so much effort came to naught.

In one sense, it sounds like the spell may have backfired. In another sense, it might be the universe telling you, "no," in a pretty blunt way.

I can give you direct examples from my own life. A long time ago I met someone online. I thought she was going to be th "one." (it turned out she very much was the opposite!). After a ver long, difficult on-and-off relationship, I called it quits with her. Things never worked out to meet her. At one point, I was finally able to make the drive, planned on my way home from a road trip half-way across the country to visit my family, with a different route back home to see her. Well, I somehow needed new tires (as life will have it sometimes), and I didn't have the funds to take the longer route to meet this girl. It was for the best. She didn't love "me" as much as the idea of me, the me I am online, the perception of what she thought I was. And the more I got to know about her, the more I realized I was in a similar boat. To this day, I still acknowledge I am a very different person online than in person.

See, I'm an extremely introverted person. Over the internet, however, it's easier to open up. Journaling and vlogging, I can put my innermost thoughts on display for the world. In person, however, I tend to feel like I'm being put on the spot. With the relationship above, she expected a very outgoing, energetic person who could talk for hours on end every day. I hoped for someone wanting to settle into a quiet future together. It turned out her time at the end of the day, winding down, was to deliberately wind dow from being extremely extroverted and social all day. That's awesome, but not something I can keep pace with. For me, I was excited to meet someone I thought was as internet-addicted and introverted as I was. We were both quite mistaken. She wanted to change things about me, and I wasn't sure who I was, but I knew I wasn't the things she expected. Ultimately, we were very different people than we both thought. We all put on a sort of persona online (partly the inspiration for my user name), and over the phone. It's something which makes long-distance relationships difficult, especially when you haven't met before.

Back to the topic, it's quite possible that the inability to meet after having done the spell to reinforce the feelings between you was a backfire. It could be that something in the proverbial aether went wrong, and so it didn't work out to meet; that had you met, things would have been amazing. It's also possible that some concept of Fate, the so-called powers that be, destiny, whatever, protected you from progressing something which might not be good for either one of you.

I can't really say either way. But love is difficult. Distance adds complication; not to say it can't work or won't. It's just a different challenge. So whatever life brings your way, I do wish the absolute best for you and for whomever you happen to meet along the way, including those who accompany you and those left in your past.

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Re: Ignored after love spell?
Post # 4

It sounds like there was already chemistry before you did these spells. Should've let things align naturally in my opinion. Especially since it's via internet making someone lustful miles away is like putting a dog on a chain and then putting the food bowl just out of reach.

You should just tell him how you feel and such. But even then could a relationship even prosper if you are only able to visit once in a while? Unless you're moving there permanently sometime.

If your spells did in fact backfire, I suggest trying the lust spell again, or perhaps creating a spell to get him to want to talk to you more. Did the spells go against his freewill? Wiccans believe in threefold law and doing things against the will can sometimes cause problems to the caster in their belief. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong)

I usually never use love spells anymore. Last time I did the woman got tired of waiting for me to get ready to date her (we were both young with no vehicles, and I was busy trying to get a job and car. My mom got cancer and when I told my girlfriend this she just left and stopped talking to me.) It was unnecessary for me to do the spell, it indefinitely worked but she wanted immediate results where I should've focused on jobs and vehicles first. Spells when it comes to love, is like a last resort, but I always ask "is it what they want? Or is this love one sided?"

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Re: Ignored after love spell?
Post # 5
Strangely too, the lust spell made him extremely lustful. Almost scary coincidence because initially, he would always speak like a complete Shakespearean gentleman. After that spell, he always wanted to talk and the texts were always very explicit. Maybe the love spell did something to shift the mood that made him somehow uncomfortable...
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Re: Ignored after love spell?
Post # 6
Speaking from experience, you should not use love or lust spells.

I recall doing a praying to The Morrigan around last year to get a girl and it backfired. This was a way of showing me that the girl wasnt the one.

If you really love someone then ask a love or marriage deity for help. Not to make that person fall in love with you but to guide you instead. Parvati from the Hindu Pantheon is a deity I must recommend to you.
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