I need help with a spell

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I need help with a spell
Post # 1
This spell: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/beauty_spells/.../page.html

I'm trying to create a cat to grant me any wish I want because if I write my true wish in the book someone might read it. I can tell the cat without anyone knowing about my true wish.

Can someone help?

Re: I need help with a spell
Post # 2
Oops. Here's the proper link: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/beauty_spells/glamour_spells/21501/page.html

Re: I need help with a spell
Post # 3
Not possible. The spell you linked is a fake spell. It won't work the way it says.

Re: I need help with a spell
Post # 4

Yeah, I did a read through of the spell, and I can say it definitely won't work. It would be impossible for a spell to give you literally everything you wished for. I recommend searching for a different spell to help you out, and to check information from multiple sources to ensure that you're getting reliable information.

Re: I need help with a spell
Post # 5
Thanks for replying. I'll try and find another spell. I don't understand why people would put non-working spells on the site because it gets peoples hopes up and they get a big let down. Thanks for helping :)

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