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Post # 1
I'm glad to be here! I am in my late 40's & saw 2 spirits when I was 5. I was so scared that I guess my 3rd eye shut. I am wanting to get it back opened so I can help people. I feel it's my calling. I have practiced both light & dark magick & prefer the light.
I have been pretty much bed bound since June. I had slipped in my eldest child's home & sustained my 4th spinal column injury. I guess I'm lucky because I can still walk. It's with horrid pain. I'd rather have 15 fifteen lb babies consecutively than have this problem!! LOL!!
I love hearing from people as my social life is nothing. I do still have to ask questions about the craft because the only things I've done & known has been self taught.
I love this site & welcome everyone's emails. If you write & I don't answer right away. Plz understand that I'm in bed most of the time & answer as fast as I can.
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Re: Hello!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It is nice to have you and I wish you a speedy recovery, and good luck with your help. Im here and will offer what I can.
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