Fast healing =spell work?

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Fast healing =spell work?
Post # 1
Does anyone know if a wound made in the course of a spell (for using blood magik) heals faster if the spell is successful?
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Re: Fast healing =spell work?
Post # 2
There shouldn't be a wound..
When using your blood in Magick you only need a few drops, which can be obtained by using diabetic lancets.
How long it takes to heal will depend on the severity.
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Re: Fast healing =spell work?
Post # 3
As I didn't have one, I used a scalpel to make a small cut approximately 1cm in length (0.4 inch). The wound has healed in less than 24 hours. Similar cuts over the years would take 1 week + to heal to this point
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Re: Fast healing =spell work?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
faster healing could be the result of the energy in your body from the spell, it could be spiritually linked to the spell in question if you use the knife for spells only [seriously, just get a pin in future, but that's just me, i don't work with blood] the belief in magick to heal injuries is it speeds the healing slightly, so i would say there's some correlation with your cut and the spellwork. overall though it's what you think, you shouldn't rely on others to confirm your belief. if you feel it's a sign of good things, then it's a sign.
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