Who or Why

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Who or Why
Post # 1
I always wounder why people go to magic in the first place. For me there are two times I got to magic but that me, hahahaha. Anyway the question is who did you do magic for, or if you dont want or don't have an ancwer, why did you get in to magic?
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Re: Who or Why
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I do it for me. It's not even a religious preference like it is to some, it just makes sense for me right now. I don't have a deity to pray to, I don't have rituals, and my spells are naught but prayers to "higher conscious, or as much as it may not make sense, to whom it is meant to affect. I have been reading of many practices, including gadrnerian wicca, thelema, and hermetic science. But what I practice is none of those, but all of them at the same time. (I nake very little sense sometimes.)
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 3
Perdu, you sound like a chaote at heart, use what works for you and disgard the rest, same here, don't do spells or rituals, i used energy on my path of spiritual growth, magick is just kinda byproduct which comes along with the energy work over time.
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Re: Who or Why
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Precisely. Although I might say disregard is a little strong. Lol. And though I haven't read or heard a lot about it, from the understanding I have, Chaos Magick is probably the closest I've heard described to what I do practice, but I'm careful to not prematurely label what I do. ; ) especially since labels aren't necessity.
Is it weird if one says they aspire to be a modern wizard?(Lol. If so I won't say it, but that is my goal.)
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 5
It is a noble aspiration to have, i can respect it.
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 6
The "great faustus" really cracks Me up!!!!!
Thou hypocrit!!!! HA HA HA
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 7
Well, for now, most spells deal with being upon yourself; but that's mainly for beginners. I study in the white magicks, so I'm trying to change the world. ^^
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 8
I do magic because its a part of me. I have never been able to follow the catholic belief system and i have never been baptised!
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 9
I ahve always felt "something" surrounding me, I have never had any trouble, at least extreme trouble, sometimes I would wish for something as simple as No cars when crossing a 4 lane highway and there were no cars period!, things so little but surprising. I had always said and friends would confirm that "God is on my side", but I came upon variouse site concerning Wicca and I was drawn to it, though I mostly practice white, I have done black and whichever I do I feel more comfortable at night. Odd to practice white at night, no? I have not left behind my own religion, but have the must respect for the elements and the god and godess and not to forget the Lords of Night.
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Re: Who or Why
Post # 10
I was brought up as a Lutheran but i have always had encounters with mysticism all my life it seems. The first experience i remember dealing with power was when i was 3 years old. I made what seemed to be a rift in the middle of the night in my own bedroom. I was just staring at the far most wall from me up towards the ceiling. When i just saw a bunch of colors start swirling together and i just had the sensation of floating all of a sudden then i literally remember floating up out of my bed and flying into this hole. On the other side was just nothing but what appeared to be fragments of things throughout the universe. Mostly i just remember there was color everywhere all around me i didn't know where i was. But it seemed as soon as i was in there i was already out, it didn't even feel like it lasted a minute. I did this several more times until i was eight. I did it one last time when i was eight years old. After that I stopped trying to do it. Then I tried it again when i was twelve and i couldn't do It i try again every now and then but nothing ever happens. The closest time i came to doing it again was when i was thirteen. I was sitting in my room staring at the floor. I could see energy, I got it to start swirling together, but out of no where all of a sudden the energy turned black and something shot from the floor, it looked like something made of the blackest smoke i ever saw. I looked away and when i looked back there was nothing there. I've also seen things like at my parents house me and my best friends saw what looked like a female lion except it was glowing brightly. I've also had some weird dreams but nothing else really. I'm Seventeen years old now and i live with my sister.
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