Herbal Magic

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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 21
Violet & Daffodil Love Bundles
Violets and daffodils are beautiful flowers, and ones that I find popping up around my garden each spring. The violet and daffodil are flowers that I personally associate with love and loving energies, so it seems only fitting that they should be mentioned in spells for love. Gather together equal numbers of daffodils and violets. I usually gather between 4 to 6 of each flower; just enough to make a small bouquet. Tie the flowers together with a pink ribbon and place them in a vase. Hold your hands over the flowers and (if you are giving them to an individual as a gift) visualize the flowers strengthening the bonds of love and friendship between the two of you, I would also suggest saying a small chant associated with your intent. If you are using the flowers for yourself, do the same, but simply visualize them vibrating with loving energy and drawing that energy to you, again you can say a small chant to cement your intent. You can also dry the flowers, when they start to wilt, and carry them in a small, charm sachet to bring loving vibrations and energies to you.

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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 22
Money Spells: Honeysuckle can be burned as an incense to attract money and wealth into your home. Burning it regularly is believed to bring financial blessings to the home and those that inhabit it. It also sweetens the thoughts of those that smell it.
Psychic Powers and Psychic Awareness: The sent of honeysuckle clears the mind and can strengthen psychic abilities. Crushing a small amount of the flowers and placing them on the third eye for a short period of time, or under your pillow while you sleep is believed to increase psychic abilities. Placing the dried flowers around the home is also believed to increase intuition.
Protection and Love: It can be added to protection and love sachets and used in spells to attract love and grant protection. If planted in the garden or near your home, it is believed to protect them from evil.
www.ehow.com/info_8186260_honeysuckle-magical-uses .html www.thewhitegoddess.co.uk/herborium/honeysuckle.as p
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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 23
Sunflower Magic
Sunflowers are associated with protection, faith, luck, and flexibility. If given as a gift, it is a symbol of safety and happiness in the home.You will need a sunflower plant for this. Alternatively you can use an large, uncooked sunflower seed. Face the sun, breathe deeply and take into yourself the aspects of the sunflower. Feel yourself absorbing abundance, longevity, and prosperity into your life just as the sunflower absorbs energy from the sun. Now, remove a large, ripe seed from the sunflower (or the largest seed you can find from your seed packet) and place it in your pocket. It is believed that this will bring you protection, along with the other aspects associated with the sunflower.
Llewellyns 2011 Witches Spell-A-Day-Almanac - Article name: Sunflower Protection - Written by: Dallas Jennifer Cobb
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Re: Herbal Magic
Post # 24
This post was very well written. I've been using herbs since basically I could run after my mother picking them in the mountains and such. You description of what you need to know is spot on. I was a bit skeptical at first because in the previous post you used a term that I knew from the Magicians but I have also noticed you give great detail as to where you get your information.. I think you may have created a fan in me of the knowledge you share.
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Re: Herbal Magic
Post # 25
Herbal baths are probably one of my most favorite way of detoxing everything from Physical aliments, Spiritual attacks and afflictions and mental clarity. If I can't fix it with cooking I fix it with a bath (ok maybe not all the time but it's one of my favorite methods).
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Re: Herbal Magic
Post # 26
Very helpful
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Re: Herbal Magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 27

I wanted to touch on the mention of Hedge Folk in this thread. It took me until now to realize that Magicians is actually a TV series and that's what Wilde is referring to; which shows you how much TV I actually watch.

Now, I know Wilde hasn't been on in some time and the response is old, but I feel I needed to add this here to clear up any future confusion.

The term "Hedge Folk" is a common term used here in Appalachia; where I'm from. Hedge Folk practiced Hedgecraft , and what that means is that they were essentially the herbalists and healers for their communities. These individuals had a vast array of knowledge on herbs and their uses, be it for healing or magic.

When this practice and its practitioners were much more common, it was during a time when individuals couldn't just get up and go to the doctor. The mountain passes and dirt roads were dangerous and it could take you days or even weeks to make it to a doctor; likewise it would take them just as long to get to you.

This is where the need for the Hedge Folk came in. These individuals were the doctors, midwives, and soothsayers of their communities. They were called upon to treat illness, bless homes/hold prayer circles, etc.

The older generations here still firmly believe in this practice, albeit not as widely spread as in years past, and many of the old charms and remedies are passed down through families. My grandfather and his family, for example, were Hedge Folk. They had herbal remedies memorized and passed down from one generation to the next. He was so stedfast in this belief and its practice that he refused to seek out modern medical help, until such a time that he absolutely had to. He relied on his herbal knowledge for the greater part of his life.

He is where I learned much of my knowledge on herbs and herbal remedies. It was only later on that I realized a portion of what we used herbs for could be considered magic, specifically acts of banishing, purification, etc.

So all that said, Hedge Folk is an actual term that is used. I have also seen the term Hedge Witch used as well, however, in my region Hedge Folk is the more common of the two.

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