Starting spells?

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Starting spells?

Re: Starting spells?
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Before you even begin thinking about casting spells you need to study the basics. I'll link some stuff for you at the bottom!

In my opinion there aren't really any "beginner" spells, exactly.

Examples of spells that don't work are anything that claims to change your DNA (such as becoming a mermaid or demon or vampire). A lot of it is basically common sense but you can always ask someone trustworthy or post in the forums if you have a question about a spell.

Helpful Books:

"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman
"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar
"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

Helpful links:

I hope you find your path! :) You're welcome to message me if you need anything.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Starting spells?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

There are 'Simple' spells, despite the common parroting - just the results are never simple. When it comes to starting in magic, find a beginning point in research and practice, that way you'll understand what you're doing better - read these posts.

Studying Tips and Advice -

Simple Acts of Magic -

Pointers on Spells -

Troubleshooting Spells -

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Re: Starting spells?
Post # 4

If you are wondering how to understand what spells are real or not, that answer is simple: Use common sense, I would recommend staying out of the fantasy section, for example, Spells will not grow you wings, turn you into a mermaid, stop time, etc. Research the laws of magick and what it can and cannot do. As band gave you great links to start off with, I'll give you some specific topics you may be curious about you will find they will help you so much throughoutbeginning magick.

The Basics Expanded:
How to write a spell:
Centering + Grounding:
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Re: Starting spells?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

If you're serious about learning how to do magic and with starting from the rock-bottom then you don't start out by casting spells, you start out by learning how and why magic works.

You see, there is no such thing as an "easy" spell or a "beginner" spell. One either understands how magic works and has mastered the which case the magic will work..or you haven't done that sort of work..and no spell will work no matter how "easy" it seems.

Casting a successful spell involves much more than finding some spell on the internet or in a book, saying some words, lighting a candle, waving a wand of any of that sort of thing. In order for magic to work you need to understand how and why it works in the first place. Grounding and centering, visualization, focus and intent, energy manipulation, etc are all necessary first steps to even begin to have a chance at a spell actually working...and more importantly to prevent a spell from back-firing on you.

So, my advice for anyone who is truly serious is to start by reading a few books and practicing the exercises those books will give you. Once you have mastered the basics you won't need anyone to give you spells, you'll be able to create your own spells that will be far more effective than anything you find on the net. Here's the books I suggest:

"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"The Veil's Edge" by Willow Polson

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

And the following links in this thread will also help you learn the basic skills necessary for effective spellwork.

Starting Out:

The Basics Expanded :


Grounding and Centering :

The Elements :

Magical Correspondences :

How to Write Your Own Spells - I just finished writing an article on the steps and thought processes of creating your own spells. You can read the article at

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Re: Starting spells?
Post # 6
well all of you are juggesting books and i dont have money for books so this was no help
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Re: Starting spells?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7

The majority of all links posted by members were very useful forum posts connecting to this website, which are free to view as many times as you like.

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Re: Starting spells?
Post # 8
Also, Google has hundreds of pdfs available.
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Re: Starting spells?
Post # 9
Simple , and easy , costlessly, I suggest you to use spell "Tao" .
All the spells with not compatible with "Tao" is temporary and undurable. You can repeat , or chaint or combine or multiple or minus or whatever you want with "Tao" concepts with safe and science evidences and proveable expirients on basic "Tao" concepts.
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Re: Starting spells?
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
What is Tao and how does one use it? You don't explain it very well in your post.

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Re: Starting spells?
Post # 11
"Tao " means : road, principle, religion, truths, love, ways.
There are many Tao like Taoist Tao, Christ Tao (Love), Buddha Tao, Islamic Tao, Jews Tao.
Use can use "Tao" in safe ways.
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