A Theory...

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A Theory...
Post # 1
The only reason I think nobody believes in witchcraft is because of the Salem witch trials. Nobody was a witch, yet, they WERE witches.

Everybody is technically a witch. We believe we are at a young age, but powers don't come then, or at least not naturally. When they ARE old enough, their parents tell them magic isn't real (but it is). So they leave off angry that magic isn't real, thus they can't really get their minds changed. So, only a few people (which is really like 100 million, but that's not alot anyways, or at least not for the population we have now) get to be witches since they believe.

We have the power to believe we ARE witches. And let me explain this using an example that doesn't include witchery:

So 2 men go in for allergy medicine. 1 is a sugar pill, the other is the real pill. They both leave off and have their pills.

They come in the next day and the man with the real one was healed more quickly from his allergies. But the man with the fake one was healed quickly too. Why? It was all in his head.

Identify that last sentence. "It was all in his head." You see, it's in our heads that we're magic, but it's true though, because we are thinking strongly of the paranormality within us, thus concluding we are magical. This is why we are different from everyone else; it's actually in our heads, not in theirs apparently.

So basically, every human is technically magical, yet they are told that magic isn't real, but it is...

If you get what I'm saying, you should agree with me. If you don't, that's your choice. BUT REMEMBER... this is a THEORY. This could be true, it might not be true. But that's for you to decide, and if you think it's true, don't feel like you're nothing special because you're magical; you're the 1/10,000 people who actually got to believe they are magical! That's kinda special there.

For those who don't believe me, again it's just a theory. Nothing to have an internet war about or anything. Just say you don't agree, and continue on with your lives and leave this pointless topic, eh? =3
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 2
Um... we don't have "powers". You can't just say a rhyme and expect a fireball to shoot from your hands or something, magick doesn't work like that.
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 3
I know that. =3 But again this is a theory, your belief is your belief, mine is mine. ^^
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 4
Keep in mind a theory is something proven. It is a hypothesis proven true through the scientific method. I'd appreciate it if you referred to it as a hypothesis, the confusion is tearing my work apart.
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 5
Youre work?
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 6
"Keep in mind a theory is something proven. It is a hypothesis proven true through the scientific method...."

A theory is something that is NOT proven, its what we assume to be true but is not testable.
Example is the *Theory of evolution.
The big bang *theory.
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 7
A theory is actually a hypothesis that has alot of evidence like the geocentric teory that was and still is a theory but we proved it wrong so theories don't have to be right
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 8
A theory is often misconcieved as uncertainty. The fact is that it is a scientific term and is the highest degree of evidence short of mathematics, which is absolute. Theories are modified when new evidence surfaces to fit the evidence and such. Mathematics is calculation and is absolute. Examples of theories are the Theory of Gravity and the Theory of Plate Tectonics. My work is to bring realistic magick into perspective, not this fantasy crap many fakes and liars ascribe to.
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Re: A Theory...
Post # 9
When did we get into the thought about theories!?!?!
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