Why work with demons?

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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 10
Most of the demons are old gods demonized by other cultures. They are not evil beings. Just different sides to the same beings that we have been working with to begin with.
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 11
ConureHerdr2, to try to answer your question about Kali:
My understanding of it is that Kali the Hindu Goddess is a full Deity in Her own right. She is not a demon, though She does fight many of them. Kali often gets called by the other Gods and Godesses within the Hindu pantheon to fight various demons. She is definitely not an actual demon, but is instead a major Deity within the Hindu faith, there are even temples that are dedicated to Her alone.
As far as Kali controlling demons, you could interpret it that way, that by fighting the many demons (one example would be when she fought the demon 'Raktabija') *(A), and by defeating them She has essentially controlled them.
I hope this helped to clear things up :)
*(A)- The story of Kali Destroying the Demon Raktabija: http://polymer.bu.edu/~scala/franci.html
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 12

Working with demons is never evil. there's no need for blood sacrifice, making pact or anything except the Promise to live with your preferred magickal results.

And anyway they brings results faster! Which is good thing.

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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 13
Demons are not as evil as people claim they are. Yes there are demons who do evil things and are just naturally evil, but not all of them. Its just like humans some are rapist and murdered,while others are kind and caring. It depends on who you are.

Most people forgot that the majority of demons that people who summon them were angles. They appear in the demon form that most people know to determine if you are worthy of their time.Most demons do not give 2 cents about humans,if you summon them they will test you to make sure your not summoning just to see if they exist or on a dare.

All they want is respect and not have stupid people summoning them for idiotic reasons. For example I have heard from other demon summoners that there is a demon called Ronove, who is a nice demon. So it just depends on the demon. Your view appears tainted on what demons really are. Depending on what religion or culture you come from, demons are just spiritual beings.
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 14
It looks like you've misunderstood demons. The vast majority arent cruel and many left hand path mages work with them, get to know them and work alongside them with no negative consequences.
If someone was to approach them rudely, then they can be unpleasant ie. Binds them within a circle and bellows orders at them. I'd say this is an expected responce. If someone tied me in place and yelled orders at me, then id be quite unpleasant as well.
I suggest you evoke a few demons and see for yourself.
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 15
As was mentioned above, "demon" is a kind of blanket term for entities that have been shunned by the majority culture. There are certainly some spirits who are fickle, but there are others who aren't that still get slapped with the "demon" label.

Due to the inherently negative connotation to the word demon, I chose to refer to these entities as spirits. As we know, the words we use have great power, especially when connecting with a spirit who may be offended by the word choice we pick.

Often, high reward potential is enough to push people to work with fickle spirits at a higher risk. Just like making a high risk investment can pan out to have high reward.
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 16
You are misunderstooded, as the otherd have mentioned. And let me clear up something: The love and light thing is not a fluff. You would not be a fluff if you supported the love and light. Love is the key to life. But there is love and there is light, inside the darkness... Love and light many times are taught through darkness. There is a perfect balance in everything. I supoort the theory of Love as Hell, but I don't deny darkness; there is a perfect, balance... You will understand only when you feel it.

This is a common misconception that many people have and some religions like Christianity. Demons are not "evil". "Evil" does not exist like "good" doesn't, they're just human words... And ha, oh well don't take as granted Angels are "good". In fact Angels are more likely to hurt humans than Demons. There are many Demons who are warm in nature and of course they are the ones who are cold and don't really care. They all have different and unique personalities. Just like any type of entity, both Angels and human spirits.

If you don't protect yourself, of course there are risks. By the same Demon if they are cold and don't care or another type of entity; in summons. Also, Demons require respect and they do very well in my opinion. Surely, most of them-if not all will revenge the one who didn't respect them and I would do the same. These are the trouble cases.

Many Demons also seem like they are torturing the humans especially the ones that work with them; but it's not like that. If someone is meant to be on the Left Hand Path and they follow it seriously, Demons are going to make them past through tests, challenges and they will be harsh. They will, be harsh. Many Demons are great and wise teachers and their teachings are through the hard way. It may seem like the Demon is torturing the person but if you go deep into it you will see the Demon is essentially helping the person.
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 17
And indeed Kali is not a Demon... She doesn't control Demons either. Kali has just defeated many Demons with no fear but full of braveness. Her teachings are through the hard way and many people confuse and misunderstand her because her images, but with no knowing he symbolism behind it... This is why also many may call her Demon by just looking at her picture, or "the evil" and such..things.

Case is really not like that with Kali, if you search up more on her and come in contact with her energies and her essence you will realize what She truly is about.
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 18
People mess up the definitions of Daemons, Demons and Angels.
Angels and Demons are both Daemons. Christianity has made a separation in Daemons, ones who have a good intention are called Angels, Ones with evil intentions are called Demons.

So if someone says not al Demons are bad than they incorrectly used the word Demon to Daemon.

Be Aware
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Re: Why work with demons?
Post # 19
Daemon comes from the Greek work "Daimon" which essentially-in the past years it meant "God" or "Power". These powers can be considered, powers, but Angels and Demons do not fall into the same category of entities. Yes, they can be considered "Daemons" in a meaning of "powers" just like Gods as well.

But they should not be placed in the same category due to energy. Angels, any type of Angel, has different energy type than any type of Demon. And by that skeptic, someone can surely say there are friendly Demons and hostile Angels, for example.
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