Summon hauntings?

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Summon hauntings?
Post # 1

Is there any working spells on this site that beginner can do and that can summon hauntings/poltergeist or what ever? For the beginning my intention would be just to see if the spell works at all since I have not see any working spells on this site yet. And later I'll see what else useful I can do. Maybe talking to those haunting ghosts later to get spiritual guidance from them or something but for now just some hauntings are good enough.

PS I am not willing do drop my blood as a part of ritual until I have seen at least some of spells here that doesn't require blood work properly.

Thanks in advance for spells.
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Re: Summon hauntings?
Post # 2
I have seen a haunting chant on this website if u want I can look for it for u
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Re: Summon hauntings?
Post # 3
It sounds like you've been reading the fluffier spells on the site. I've never heard of a spell that actually rewrites blood to work, although it might make it stronger. As far as summoning a haunting, I don't really know what to tell you. You could try a spell to attract spirits, perhaps, but I doubt they'd start throwing things at you or drag you into a television. You could try just communicating with them, which would be infinitely easier, but simply doesn't work for some people.
But honestly, it doesn't really sound like that's what you need. It sounds to me like you're looking for magick to work for you without simply looking for magick. You have to find it before you can work with it, friend. Luck and light.
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Re: Summon hauntings?
Post # 4
I found a chant it's : Entities far and near, I need you to hear what I say as you must do so, haunt (person's name) as he/she has (say what ever they did) to reverse this say: your work here is done I had so much fun but it's time to return and slow things down a bit
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Re: Summon hauntings?
Post # 5
>You have to find it before you can work with it, friend
How do I find it? What must be done?

Thanks JrDavila. Now how do i know if this spell is real? Here I was told that opening hell gate spell is fake:

So how do I know that 1) opening hell gate was fake spell and this is working?

Just curious to know..
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Re: Summon hauntings?
Post # 6
That second one is easy. Hell, should there be one, wouldn't be on the physical plane, and as such, would be impossible for you to enter or open a portal to. You can't summon demons or Lucifer, or force a haunting the way you seem to be trying to do. As far as finding magick, you have to commit. Check out Newbie Central, then the tips and FAQs. Those are a good start, and after that, start reading the articles. Start trying to understand what you're trying to work with instead of just trying to bend the forces of creation and reality to your will. Magick is nature, and nature doesn't work on your schedule. Luck and light to you, friend.
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