What is "fluff" work?

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What is "fluff" work?
Post # 1

Hi, Jaxie here & I wanted to know what is "fluff" work as I read and learn some people say that's fluff does it mean it only works for certainpeople?( Also, sorry if I posted this on the wrong forum)

Re: What is "fluff" work?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Fluff is stuff that cant happen. People look into magick and want to do like fantasy stuff; vampires, lycanthropy, changing ones body or doing things that are just impossible.

Thats typical fluff stuff.


Re: What is "fluff" work?
Post # 3

Thank you!

Re: What is "fluff" work?
Post # 4
Fluffy - are members considered to be members who are not serious or sincere in the discussions, topics, and activities that take place within the site. These members usually display intolerable and abrasive behavior either by commenting or posting questionable material with supporting facts or evidence. They can also display attitudes of superiority, overconfidence, immaturity, disrespect and so on. They also lack the willingness to accept or try to understand common and basic concepts and facts, or refuse to listen to credible sources of information.
The only members ranked knowledgeable and adept can see the reputation know as fluff

Re: What is "fluff" work?
Post # 5
If you go to this link http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=402738 it can give better perspective on the reputation and there meaning for each one

Re: What is "fluff" work?
Post # 6

Thank you, I looked at the post and understand what fluff work is! :)

Re: What is "fluff" work?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Fluff is a term on spells of magic that cones to mean two things. A person's reputation among members (their rank), and a mindset.

A fluff mindset will keep your from progressing and actually learning about real magic and how it is executed properly. As mentioned, a fluff mindset includes insistently trying to do impossible things such as becoming a werevampiremermaidthingamajig. If you are unwilling to change your mindset, most experienced practitioners I've found on spells of magic will be quick to label someone a fluff.

Here is a link to the SoM survival guide. It can offer some other answers of what fluff is along with a number of other things about spells of magic:


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