Fake Spells

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Fake Spells
Post # 1
This goes to Transforming to something Supernatrual spells. Since they do not work and are fake, is there ANY way we can get rid of them? I just got asked to transport someone to the world of an anime.

Re: Fake Spells
Post # 2
When I was younger, I used to wish to be many things other than I was. I might have read this site and thought hiw ridiculous these rituals souned. But I grew out of it.

I also may have looked into more legitimate practices, had I run into SoM at the time.

Such listings should, perhaps, be better labeled as imaginary, but they certainly have their place here. The best thing to do is to report spells in wrong sections so they can be properly categorized.

Re: Fake Spells
Post # 3
Sadly, no there is no way to get rid of them, but if they are in the wrong catagory, simply report it so it can be corrected

Yes, you will recieve mail from people who believe in those spells, if you tell them they are fluff, they won't believe you most of the time, I get mail like that daily. You're not the only one :)

Re: Fake Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from Wicca.

Re: Fake Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 5
i can't believe the number of times i've said this but there is no anime world. anime is fantasy, imagination, cartoons [gasp i said it] this is reality. you cannot be transported anything, especially into a cartoon. no spell will work because magick is not like we see in anime/movie/tv. magick is a neutral energy we focus to bring a natural desired change. it's more along the lines of a prayer than what you would see in My Witch Academia, Madoka Magica, Flying Witch, or any other anime with magic.

magick does not make instant dramatic changes, it doesn't teleport you, transform you, or do anything 'cool' you saw in a show. if you studied what real magick is and how it works you would understand.

Re: Fake Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Any person is able to add a spell if they are a council member, and with the coven Spell Casters, everybody is automatically set to a council position where they are able to add spells and rituals. These members can be people who know literally nothing about how spells work.

As its been mentioned before, these spells only and most likely remain because it attracts traffic to the website, and if something brings the people to you, why get rid of it? Spells of Magic isn't only a forum and chat based website, it's also a business where people are able to purchase occult/pagan/wiccan goods. If traffic to the website slows, so does business.

As far as I understand, the site administrator, Petrarca, is the only one with the permission to remove spells. As mentioned above, if you find a fake spell the best thing that you can do is rate it 0 out of 5 stars and report it as being fake. The same applies with false rituals/articles.

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