Death spells

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Re: Death spells
Post # 2
As it is a fiction, I doubt you have a problem.
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Re: Death spells
Post # 3
The easiest way to protect yourself from magical backlash?

Use the power you're learning with responsibility. The sheer amount of harm and revenge spells on this site astounds me. You are literally harnessing the power of Creation by tapping into the flow of energy through the universe... and you think hurting people with it is the way to go?

Magick is balance. There is no give without take, no working without the expense of energy. And yes, that means no death without death.
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Re: Death spells
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I will have to say that there are no spells yet that has lead someone close to death or one that equals that of a demonic possession or disturbance. If it were real, a fourth of the overall population of people in a city would have already been taken by one of those out of control people who crave for fresh blood or death in the morning.

If you value your life, I recommend not even thinking about dwelling on the topic or looking for one as it will only cause if not confusion, half baked knowledge about what magick is and what it can do, from what is fiction.

There are other topics out there much more interesting than death. I can guarantee that!
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Re: Death spells
Post # 5
If you don't mind my asking, why on Earth do you need a death spell?
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Re: Death spells
Post # 6

As Miss Nord has already stated, death spells are indeed fictional. So feel free to cast them to your hearts content! More than likely nothing will come of it anyways.

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Re: Death spells
Post # 7
Be more efficient in being able to prolong your own life.
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Re: Death spells
Post # 8
Curses can be tricky to land properly, but are very effective when cast right. You don't need to worry about your spell bouncing back, this isn't going to happen.
If you want reliable spells, then I'd suggest psychic vampirism, to weaken the target before sending illness their way. Common choices are mental illnesses such as depression and paranoia.
Obviously no one is going to just drop dead like something out of Garry potter, but keep at it and you'll see them fade away in both body and mind
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Re: Death spells
Post # 9
Is there no edit post button? Just noticed my autocorrect changed Harry to gary.
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Re: Death spells
By: / Novice
Post # 10
no edit button i'm afraid, you need to go back, correct the old post, repost it, and delete the old post, so the new one is showing. [wise to re-read before you submit]

why do you think it will come back times 3? are you Wiccan? the threefold law is a Wiccan law and isn't observed by everyone. unless it resonates with you, you have nothing to worry about. [also, what do you think the threefold law does? karma times 3? or something else? it's up for personal debate. i follow the belief it effects your mind, body, and spirit] i would cast a strong circle when you cast the spell, then cleanse and protect yourself and your home. [be sure to carry a protection charm and shield daily] it's the negative energy/emotion left in that place which will effect you more.

why do you wish to preform a death curse? because it's kewl? death spells fall into that fun grey area of magick people love to debate, if they are real they're seen as a very powerful curse, if they are not it's because humans should not have the power over life and death. personally i've never found someone i've wished death on, regardless of how annoying they are or how much they hurt me [not even my abusive ex, i actually wished he met someone who treated him like dirt so he knew how it felt] i do know someone who claims to have successfully cast a death curse. not getting into details but it took him a year of reflection before he concluded on the death spell. he protected himself and his loved ones, cast protection spells almost nonstop and it still came back to bite him hard. his marriage ended for one thing, his coven kicked him out for another. it was a full year of 'bad luck'. [and no, he didn't share the spell with me, i didn't ask, but he said he wouldn't share even if i did]

my opinion if you've thought about it seriously long and hard, then try it, but just remember you're trying to murder someone. a year of terrible events, but a lifetime of remembering you took someones life.
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Re: Death spells
Post # 11
Nice to see some curses being discussed :) As mentioned in previous posts, it shouldn't comeback at you 3 fold if you don't subscribe to that school of thought.
Though if you are concerned then you could cast a protective aura over yourself.
Note that when casting a curse it is fairly normal to feel a little of the energy after casting, all it means is that you didn't push all the energy to your target. Nothing to worry about really.
I'd advise you create you own curse appose to asking for an existing ritual, that way you can tailor it to your preferred methods.
When deciding on what to do bear this in mind:
Your target should be open to magical assault before casting ( perhaps feed of their energy to wear them down)
You must have your intention very clear, any doubt or uncertainty will weaken the spell
Think about how it will manifest, you will see better results if you push for a specific illness or accident than if you just generally wish death on them.
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