Washing HANDS spell

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Washing HANDS spell
Post # 1
I know this sounds lame, but is there a spell to make someone wash their hands after they use the bathroom [the thing I an on does not have a question mark key, sorry is that makes this post confusing.]
Someone I live with never washes his hands after using the bathroom. I could not tell you how many times I heard him walk straight from the toilet out of the bathroom with out stopping to wash his hands and then watched him as he dug his disgusting hands through bags and tins of food and rumuged through the fridge. He currently has a very contagous stomach bug that makes things worst. Every time I go to say something, his wife hits me. She is more concerned about his FEELINGS than the health and well being of everyone else who lives in this house.
I know this sounds lame, and that magic should not be typically used for everyday problems, but this can cause an out break of a disgusting stomach bug that gives you explosive dihearreha if I do not do anything about it. Is there any spells to make people wash their hands after going to the bathroom [Insert question mark here] can anyone please make one [question mark]
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Re: Washing HANDS spell
By: / Novice
Post # 2

First of all, no one should be hitting you. That needs to be addressed and dealt with. Secondly, you can cleanse the area and add a twist to aid in people being more clean, but that could just pan out to you making sure you and the rest of the house are clean.

I feel like you and this couple really need to sit down and talk about it. Maybe he's making an effort and is just really bad with it - but that is still no excuse and he needs to acknowlwedge that what he is doing endangers other people.

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Re: Washing HANDS spell
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
That is really disturbing. For your own safety I recommend safe keeping your portion of the food cooked for the day away from him so that you won't get infected by whatever else disease he may be carrying. If it is possible, I highly advice you to stay someplace else for the time being while this problem hasn't been dealt with. If not, do make sure to have a stock of hand sanitizer in your room or alcohol.

Sadly there is no spell available that will awaken a person to the reality of his/her actions, but a confrontation will definitely work. Best will be with a Doctor that may put sense into him about the importance of washing the hands when using the toilet all the time.

I can tell that the only way he will fully understand the consequences of his action will be if either him or his wife were to be placed in a very difficult situation. I hope someone saves him or them before that happens. You have my prayers!
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Re: Washing HANDS spell
Post # 4
Maybe you could try a persuasion spell instead
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