What am I doing wrong?

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What am I doing wrong?
Post # 1
I was trying to Astral Project 3 or 4 nights ago. I was ready to leave my body and I felt the vibrations. I wasn't scared or anything but then randomly my leg kicked and shook me out of the state.

It seems when I do almost project, my body moves or twitches and I can't project. Does anyone know the reason?
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Re: What am I doing wrong?
Post # 2
You are doing nothing wrong. When someone is about to enter sleep their body twitches. I don't specifically know why this happens to you during AP but it seems you must relax to the trance and let the twitches go. You can try to stretch before trying as well to relax your mucles.
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Re: What am I doing wrong?
Post # 3
alright, I got you. two answer to this. one, there are spirits out there that don't want you to AP, so they wake you by doing what they did to you, happens to me alot. two, that is a natural thing your body does sometimes, especially if you are trying to go out of body feet first. my dad has these leg responses but he doesn't AP, so it is natural.
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