Teachers or assistance?

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Teachers or assistance?
Post # 1
I've heard/seen a lot about the chakras and I'm unsure if mine are open/how to open them. Can anyone help me?
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Re: Teachers or assistance?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
i'm not the greatest with chakra's [though i've studied them for years, i still can't tell myself] each one is an energy pool specific to certain colours, organs, activities, and energies. when open you should be at your best in that area, when too open you'll get negative effects [say your third eye is open too much, you'd experience headaches] same with if your chakra's closed [throat chakra closed can have sore throats as well as being very quiet] there are many ways to open them, so i would research each one and journal about how you are in your daily life pertaining to each one to see which chakras need more attention than the other. then i would focus on each one every day for a week, then two, three, and slowly until you can balance them all in a meditation. be sure to start from the root up so you have a good foundation.




hopefully those can help you get started.
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