how to obtain magic

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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 12
What he thinks 'obtaining magick' means is getting magickal energies in his body and having them permenantly (like in T.V. shows and books) not just for a single spell or ritual. The word 'magick' is just a generic name for astral and spiritual energies. You call down these energies FOR spells and rituals, skill at magick is just how well you can draw down and USE them without things gowing wrong, not controlling energies insdie of you. When people think of controlling fire, water, air, erath, ice, electricity, levitating, teleportation etc. they often think that they are magick and try to make spells and rituals out of them.When really all of those skills are from the hum,an mind, you're just drawing down magickal energies (which are less powerful) and relying on them to do those skills, when really they should be using their MIND and using magickal energies as SUPPORT.
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 13
One more thing about the whole red magick and grey magick. Technically there's no such thing as red magick, or grey, magick, or high magick, or low magick, or arcane magick, or small magick, or even white or black magcik. Magick itself is just a type of supernatural energy and is actually no different to a knife. For example: a knife can be used to chop up food. That's a good purpose. It can also be used to cut an innocent peron's throat. That's a bad purpose. Same with magick. You can use it to heal a person with permission (white magick) you can use it to harm a person without permission (black magick) you cans use it to gain mor emoney (low magick) or you can use it to envoke a spirit for reasons outside of everyday life (arcane magick). So if a person says "I want to learn how to use white magick" that person should be saying "I want to know how to use magcik for good purposes."
That's all just something I realised in a strange dream I had last night that I wanted to share.
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 14
what is blood magic and those any one know blood magic?
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 15
Blood magick is magick that requires sacrifices to draw down energies. Many dark sorcerers use blood and sometimes even internal organs for blood magick (some say Jack the Ripper was a blood sorcerer, which is actually possible).
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 16
what is black magic
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 17
The term 'black magick' is a classification used for magick that is used against a person's will or causes harm.
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 18
do i need to meditate to do magic or open the 7 chakra points or can i just do magic with out those things?
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 19
Meditation I suppose is pretty necessary for magick. Opening your chakras is optional and mostly used in fae sorcery but it can help alot.
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 20
so i have to meditate and open my chakras to cast any spells
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Re: how to obtain magic
Post # 21
I agree with what most of magickalprince has posted. While I will say that magic is not drawn up like a magic card in a game. Energy from the universe is channeled into your body and you direct it. You LIVE magic. To cast one spell has repercussions. One spell may work, but it may affect something else which would open up a can of worms. Another thing is, when you use energy, when you cast spells, beings in realms outside of the average persons knowledge become DRAWN to you. Dark things and light things, you become almost like alittle blip on a radar screen and everyone sees you. So even if your spell goes perfectly, and if you are a first time caster it rarely does, you are seen by a new world whether you know it or not. And as far as Red magic being blood magic, it is. Red signifies love in most cases, but he meant blood magic. Blood ties spells to make them much stronger, and while most spells are irriversible, it becomes practically unstopable depending on the way the blood is used. It becomes very complicated using blood. Not just sacrifices, blood in general. My original book of shadows was written in blood. It can be extremely dangerous. Please don't see it as a shiny new toy, blood magic. In most cases, if you are looking to cast a spell using blood it is probably not good.
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