
CovenSpell Casters ► Beginning
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Post # 1
Hey, I've been wanting to cast magick and join a magick covenant for a long time now but I've only just begun to try to learn something. I want to start doing some Wiccan magick but I have no clue where to start. I do not know what I need, how to cast, what runes to use, if I should use runes or sigils, etc. I am completely lost. Please help!
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Re: Beginning
Post # 2
i can teach you some basics and some mature magic
mail me if you want me to teach you
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Re: Beginning
Post # 3

Aether, I wouldn't recommend getting a teacher online. Wolf, for example, claims to be a warlock, which is not something that someone knowledgeable in magick would ever say.

If you want to learn about magick, read. Look at the Featured Articles section of this site and check out You could also check out the link below.

If you're interested in Wicca specifically, look into the types of Wicca and the Wiccan Rede. Also, I believe that Wicca is very focused on correspondants when it comes to spell casting (Moon phase, day of the week, month, etc.) It's been a while since I read about Wicca, however.

I should state, though, that if you are a beginner, it's a good idea to look into some other Neopagan and magickal paths to make sure you're choosing one that's right for you.

Also, don't worry about spell casting yet. Beginners shouldn't be casting. It most likely wouldn't work, anyway; you need to know the basics first.

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Re: Beginning
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
I'm inclined to agree with Sylviana.The best methods of learning are research, study, and practice. Research what interests you. Study the material. When you are ready, put what you've studied into practice.

To add to this, you can actually find a free pdf versions of Living: Wicca A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner through a google search.

You can also find Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft pdf for free through a google search as well.
I'd suggest reading over the following as well. They are some of the stickied threads in the General Info section of the public forums. They should help get you started as well.
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Re: Beginning
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

If you're serious about learning how to do magic and with starting from the rock-bottom then you don't start out by casting spells, you start out by learning how and why magic works.

You see, there is no such thing as an "easy" spell or a "beginner" spell. One either understands how magic works and has mastered the which case the magic will work..or you haven't done that sort of work..and no spell will work no matter how "easy" it seems.

Casting a successful spell involves much more than finding some spell on the internet or in a book, saying some words, lighting a candle, waving a wand of any of that sort of thing. In order for magic to work you need to understand how and why it works in the first place. Grounding and centering, visualization, focus and intent, energy manipulation, etc are all necessary first steps to even begin to have a chance at a spell actually working...and more importantly to prevent a spell from back-firing on you.

So, my advice for anyone who is truly serious is to start by reading a few books and practicing the exercises those books will give you. Once you have mastered the basics you won't need anyone to give you spells, you'll be able to create your own spells that will be far more effective than anything you find on the net. Here's the books I suggest:

"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"The Veil's Edge" by Willow Polson

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

And the following links in this thread will also help you learn the basic skills necessary for effective spellwork.

Starting Out:

The Basics Expanded:


Grounding and Centering:

The Elements:

Magical Correspondences:

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Re: Beginning
Post # 6
I'm new here and new to magician in general.

Pretty mich researching at present.

I somehow sense a connection to things others do not, such as being able to read people's eyes, or knowing an animal is close in the woods before any sound is made, etc. just stuff like that.

I'm also told I have an intense demeanor that at times not even I can explain.

So because of these things, I just have to wonder if there's something out there I'm missing.

Can't say I'm real becoming a religious practitioner, but would like to see if I can manipulate things unseen, like another person's emotions, the win, stuff of that sort.

I'll be looking at the links you so kindly posted here, thank you. Just thought I should post something as a sort of introduction.

Take care
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Re: Beginning
Post # 7
EDIT: new to magick not magician!
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Re: Beginning
Post # 8
That's pretty cool. I have tons of deja vu that makes me think that I'm starting to get premonitions. But it's just s theory. Also, my mom mouthed a few words without making a noise, and I heard. It was whispery and creepy. She even said she never actually said anything. I find it quite odd.
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