
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► Fae

Re: Fae
Post # 9
Many people do not believe in Faeries because they were raised to believe they do not exist, and they forgot their innate knowledge of them through the similar conditioning of society as they grew older. This creates a stigma surrounding believing and experiencing a connection with faeries in the common world. This connection can often be so strong that they do not wish to accept any evidence of the existence of Faeries, and try to rationalize every encounter. This is the result of the fear of certian consequences, which was the basis for the conditioning they experienced. The consequences, which may be feared, include being scolded, told they are ignorant, being seen as a joke to others, being discredited and many others.; the fears from person to person varies by their individual experience. Nonetheless, they can have a truly scarring and lasting effect on many people, preventing them from being able to connect with Faeries wholly or even partially.
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Re: Fae
Post # 10
Um, no.
Not all fae seek to befriend us.
Not all of them are friendly.
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Re: Fae
Post # 11
Neither are humans. There are a multitude of factions, however, it is common knowledge that Fae are part of a higher frequency and, as a result, do try and spread the positivity to whomever they can or believe they should. The method, varies.
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Re: Fae
Post # 12
At their very core, Fae are Divine.
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Re: Fae
Post # 13
No. No they are not. That is like saying lower vibrational beings are closer to being demonic. That is not how energy works. While yes, Fae are higher in vibrations, in theory putting them higher in the ladder than us, that doesn't make them divine beings. That just makes them more potent and closer to the magical source.
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Re: Fae
Post # 14
Explain Kiko19 how are they divine? aren't all spirits divine? in literal sense everything is divine depending on what you believe. No offense to you or the Fea but everything has a amount of divine to it:)
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Re: Fae
Post # 15
@thorison1080: How you worded that and the intent of the message is wrong, but you are on the correct path of understanding of how energy and entities work.
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Re: Fae
Post # 16
Faeries have a soul,an eternal spark we all have to connect ourselves to the Divine Entity.
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Re: Fae
Post # 17
Humans are divine. And if you don't believe in evil fae, you are likely being fooled by an evil fae. They exist and are master tricksters.
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Re: Fae
Post # 18
Every year there is a fairy ring around my Apple tree. While it is there I do not disturb it at all. I usually leave offerings at the base of the tree, which does involve stepping into the ring. I do this respectfully, doing no damage. I leave small gifts like a coin and also I like to hang beads and charms on the tree.
Do not eat anything you find in a Fairy Ring. You will be stuck in fairyland for a long time. Sometimes music will be heard. Always treat the little folk with respect.
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