Do PSI balls work?

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Do PSI balls work?
Post # 1
I gathered my magic from the Earth’s core, then did the spell to make all casted spells stronger. After that I meditated for 9 minutes straight. It was hard; especially with a song in my head. After I forgot it and only heard my breath I started searching for my aura. Again as I opened the astral door it was a gold-yellow color. After I did this a few minutes later of meditation I opened my eyes and created my very first PSI ball. The results were astounding. I drew the power from the sun and connected it into my hands, As I made my hands closer my hands started sweating but then moving them away they got cold. After a while I threw my PSI ball to the door. At first I was skeptical if the PSI existed, but then my dog looked at the door after being awoken by sleep. The door was a closet and nothing’s in it so I knew it had worked.

Did it though? My hands were warm and tingly
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Re: Do PSI balls work?
Post # 2
Psi balls do exist, yes.
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Re: Do PSI balls work?
Post # 3
Yes, the psi ball has indeed worked. I also had a warm, tingly feeling when I made a psi ball.
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Re: Do PSI balls work?
Post # 4

It is supposed to be an exercise in energy manipulation and direction. Working , according to what you've described yes. As far as astral doors are concerned eh that's irrelevant as all you're doing is gathering energy in your hands and given it's form in this equation is a ball spin it in whatever direction you feel with your mind or per se third eye.

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