can someone confirm magic

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can someone confirm magic
Post # 1
can someone confirm magic is real because i told my mate about it and he thinks i am crazy and i sorta believe him so can someone tell me if its real or not.
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Re: can someone confirm m
Post # 2
magic can be confirm,any it is real,my friends also told me that i am crayz,in way of the stars spell book i posted a spell(energy manipulation basic)you can do it,try it and you will not see magic but you will fell it,pleas try it few times a day,you will see that magic is real
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Re: can someone confirm m
Post # 3
You shouldn't believe us just because we tell you it's real-- or else you'll have to believe the next person who tells you it isn't, and that'll be confusing. I agree with marko, you should experience it yourself and judge from that.

I wish more people shared their stories -- but here's a few more. Though I can't claim weather control or anything dramatic like that, I was there when a friend of my brother's held back a rainstorm (we were performing a skit at her house, and rain would have ruined the acoustics: it drizzled before and right after, but not during. This is, by the way, the same friend who I communicated telepathically with when I lost my celphone.)
When my dad and I were going through a rough patch after he lost his job, I did a banishing spell on him using tarot cards and he was offered a position abroad for a few months (just the break we needed, I think. I couldn't make us rich, and I couldn't make us like each other, but that was magic enough for me.)
I knew what my aunt gave me for Christmas. Okay, it was bendy and rectangular like a book would be so I knew it was a book, but I felt a crucifix glowing through the opaque wrapping paper, and when I opened it it was a book on the history of Christianity with a big brass crucifix printed -- not embossed -- on the cover. You'd think it was because I subconsciously knew my aunt well enough to know what she'd give me, but she usually gives us travel books.

Anybody can dismiss it as coincidence or subconscious work, heck you weren't there with me when any of that happened, and we don't know each other, and anybody can make up anything on the internet-- but those are my experiences as stated, and I say you can have experiences of your own like that if you really want to.
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Re: can someone confirm magic
Post # 4
Here's a tip about being a wizard or a witch and no one you live near believes in it...DO NOT tell them about it!
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Re: can someone confirm magic
Post # 5
I have told a few people about it and only one believes in magick like me, even my brother who i told is the sort of person who wont believe until he sees it happen, but thats not the case, your all right you have to experience it, i myself doubted it once when nothing happened but if you believe enough and keep trying it will happen, i made a wind storm once, that was the first spell i'd ever done and within seconds it worked, i've just started to practice my ki and i can feel the energy but can't do nothing with it at the moment, just keep practicing, it will work trust me!
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Re: can someone confirm magic
Post # 6
Can you tell me a good site that tells that tell me how to do ki? I usually use crystals to charge my energy but I'm just eager.
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Re: can someone confirm magic
Post # 7
on this forum of general info theres a post on here about how yo use your ki read that or look it up on google because ive only just started to do it so i cant explain it well!
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