How can I see spirits?

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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 6
As others have mentioned spells do not work like that. There are a lot types of meditation to activate your third eye. And the reason for your unsuccesfull third eye meditations could be due to your weak magickal energy. If you have weak magickal energy this is not going to work, that's why they say you always must start from the basics. You make your magickal energy stronger by practising the basics, especially energy manipulation...
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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 7
I can feel the spirits around me. But I can't see them. Does than mean something?
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Re: How can I see spirits?
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
I believe anyone can see spirits, you indeed just need determination and patience, it won't come so easily. Try going to places with stronger spiritual energy. If you can feel them is already a progress. Try to communicate with them now, and remember, understanding yourself might be the key to understand your surroundings.
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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 9
It means you have the ability to sense spirits, but not the one to hear them. It's a proccess. Sometimes through feeling, you will get their answers like a feeling, a sense. I agree to the previous answer in what you have to do.
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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 10
I've found that people sense spirits differently. Some 'see' them, others 'hear' them and others feel their emotions.

It also takes practice 'seeing ' them (in whichever way is natural for you). It took me about a year and a half before I was sensing them reliably with daily practice. Again - some people might see them sooner, others may need more practice.

The way I learned to sense spirits was to practice with intuition. Are your eyes drawn towards a certain area? Feel like someone is watching you from part of the room? Meditation may help increase awareness. I use a mental mirror in my meditations. See yourself speaking to a spirit as you look into the mirror you imagine in your mind. When using this method, I strongly suggest covering the mirror when you're done. Also ask for help from guardian spirits. Otherwise you get some random joe shmo floating by :)

Those are what have helped me. Good luck to you on your search!
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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 11
I can feel them, hear them, and feel there emotions. Will this require a few years of third eye opening?
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Re: How can I see spirits?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
Seeing spirits requires more skills and blending those together in order to be achieved. If it has not been passed down genetically to you by your ancestors, it will take a lot of time to develop it from scratch. Even when having it innate it will take you many years to start making sense of what you actually see, because you must be able to work with patterns and symbols and recognise them.

Why is it so hard to be achieved from scratch or developed even as innate talent?

You have to realise that the sense of sight is our main sense, that we have become to depend upon all the time. Also, you have to realise that you are not a free drifting around spirit. You are incarnate spirit, thus your physical body safety is prioritised and its main sense is vision. Vision as a physical sense takes also a time to develop, but we do not remember it. It is a gradual process because it requires a lot of brain resources, and most babies do not have the capacity to just advance to this level from get to, since their brain has not been developed yet. As it requires a lot of brain and memory resources, along with reading the inputs of other senses, if your brain is not efficiently developed (wired) it cannot delegate resources to then try to develop spiritual sight. Your brain will always prioritise resources to what is more important and essential. Literally, our brain takes the input given by your optical nerve and reads it, as the neurones themselves switch on and off in rhythm and create inner map of what the eyes have seen in the external world. Now, if you add the spiritual insight then your brain will have to do two maps at same time and put one on the top of the other, so you will see, feel two realities at same time.That requires incredible brain to achieve. Remember, your spirit is still tucked in your physical body. You cannot bypass the physical body, especially awake. You cannot achieve that with a spell or a single meditation. You either have to have genetically rewired brain that is exceptional from get go, and still train it, or you have to work very very hard to bypass your brain limits and extend them. Or you must have your brain totally rewired by some sort on near death experience. In such states, it is not unheard of certain parts of the brain to develop and to be suddenly activated and to remain active until this person is alive.

Why feeling the spirits is easier?

Registering your emotions is not so resources consuming process, it is also less distracting to your logic and less life threatening in a direct manner. If you feel odd you will just wonder why and eventually brush it off. However, imagine that you are driving and suddenly you see a spirit that looks like living person just passes in front of your car and you panic and hit the break and then the car behind you crashes in yours because they did not have time to react either. Or imagine you see, feel hear two realities at the same time that blend within each other, while driving. How do you tell which one reality is less real, and which one can cost you your life if you do not drive careful? Having all spiritual senses means that your brain will construct two realities internally, and then your logical mind will have the very hard task to distinguish which one is the exact physical world, without the spiritual overtones. Your brain will try to prevent this on all costs to keep you safe.

Why seeing spirits requires so many skills?

Because similar to our physical vision our spiritual vision requires many skills and resources combined and working in harmony. For example, developed energetic skills and astral/emotional skills, ability to focus for long periods of time. Skills to read figures and patters and to link them to previous history and experiences. It will require you to be able to harmonise all of your three bodies and be aware of the ways they communicate between themselves and all other levels of existence.This is also process that requires immense knowledge and discipline. You need to be able to work with energy because as with our physical sight we first capture the energetic signal and then our energetic body will have to reconstruct the message by means that are available to it, then this message will have to be passed to your emotional body and finally all this will reach your physical body and awareness. The input of all those will give you the final vision. However, reading visions is like reading art work and language at same time. These messages and visions are not always 100 identical to the original message sent by the being that has entirely energetic form to begin with. You see now then why this process is very hard even for people that have innate skills. They still require discipline and knowledge and a lot of experience to get from energy signal to actual image.

Why the sent energetic message might not be registered by our awareness 100 percent identical as what was send originally?

Because as the information gets passed down and decoded from one level to another eventually as it reaches the lowest levels of awareness, we give it some part of our emotions and personal associations based on our own life experience. Awareness within awareness distort each other and influence each other perception.

I hope all I mentioned makes some sense. I am trying to explain very complex process with simple words.
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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 13
I agree with everyone here as well, except for the ouija board. I would never use one because you can open it ip to where anything can come through...including not so good things. I can also feel spirits, but have only seen about 2 or 3 that I can remember. I think that just means that we are somewhat open, just not wide open. Just keep practicing and maybe it will happen. Good luck!
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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 14
well i know 2 ways.

1: open your third eye. i do kundalini meditations, i opened my third eye after 5 days , starting seeing spirits while in deep trance. for some might take longer to open it. be aware not to communicate with those spirits, jsut ignore them, because you probably dont want to contact something you do not know about nor what it wants. i usually ignore them in deep trance for i seek no communication with the unkown.

2: spiritual contact, like evocations, it is indeed rare that the spirit shows itself to you, but in my experience it did appear out of the blue, after a successfull evocation. otherwise you will just feel its presense/energy.

Sencerely yours,
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Re: How can I see spirits?
Post # 15
Check out my spell "Wizard's eye". It really works. Where I live, witches and fortune tellers use it to see all the creatures of the of the world. It's easy and simple.
P.S. If the antidode doesn't work, contact me immediately.
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