Magic is fantasy...

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Magic is fantasy...
Post # 1
Here is an important question for you all. "When does magic become reality?".
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 2
For me; Harry Potter, Bed Knobs and Broomsticks, Aladdin, etc. is just a fun, fantastic fantasy. It's not likely to be real or become real anytime soon, though I could be proven horribly wrong.
Magic, in my mind, is a power of the mind. You need to be able to concentrate, meditate, believe, and create. You probably won't be able to become "Spider Man" but you can help change the world around you. Also, magic is manipulating energies and knowing how to use nature and the such to get the results you want. Actually, if you look at it in a certain way it could be viewed as a science.
I think magic is different for everyone. It's an abstract thing that you can't, or is hard to, nail down. I'm not very good at explaining magic because I don't know everything about it and...well...I'm not very good at explaining things in general. So, I'm going to stop typing. I'm tired.
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 3
Very good philosophy...

Magic is not something that can appear overnight... It is time consuming..
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Magic becomes your reality when you believe in it.

All of your beliefs mixed together is your perseption.

Your perseption is your reality.

Yes it is possable to change any and all three of these.
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 5
^_^ good question.. magick is both reality and fantasy combine. You need to have imagination to visualize all around you.. magick is perceive with the mind not the eyes, and reality as well.. since the eyes can be deceiving.. is all what we believe to be seeing and not what we actually seeing... but then again this is schizo person speaking.
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 6
Has your schizophrenia interfered in your perception? if so, in what way?
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 7
O_O hahaha... well O_O you are weird.. ^_^ Well, yeah my perception is quite absurd for many people.. while people might run when some one threatens them with a gun.. I will just stand there... this is an emotion state that does not allow me to feel fear or excitement at least.. most of the time the only emotion I can feel is anger and that is about it... so that kind of mess me up having a relationship with some one.. I lack emotions.. I can show emotions but they will be just an act.. I hear voices, I see things that apperantly are not there, and has made me to suffer from insomnia.. _O! Most of the time I am in a dreamy state where I hardly can differ from being awake and sleep.. ^_^ I creep out people for my way of speaking.. and I tend not to be motivated by anything.. I do things just because they are expected by society..... and I LOVE TO STARE.. that is just some of my behavior characteristic.. *_* my perception is shown by them.. I know when to approach some one.. I tell people things that I though they told me which probably they forgot but say that they did not.. there are too many things.. that make things to confuse.. I feel like most of my life is a dejavu exept for certain things... like using the computer.. besides that like accidents.. ^_^ I have tell people about other individuals death when they are not dead till probably few hour or days later.. O_O but then again I thought they were dead.. but that is part of me being schizo...
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 8
Try this, it's a guide to make a psi ball, make sure you have 7 minutes of your life to waste and to explore though. When yogameditation person's hands move to "Move" your psi ball, it's your mind (following the hand) that swirls around your psi ball.
It's obvious energy manipulation is real because, there are many chinese people that go on weekend mornings in parks to learn about Tai Chi, which is basically learning how to use chi (spiritual energy). If you think the chinese are dumb, think again, they were the first to invent gunpowder and fireworks.
Let me tell you something, honestly, when I was first intro'ed into magick, I really thought people here had schizophrenia, kept telling me to believe. Because I am a very doubtful person, if you look at the blinded christians (Example only) they believe in nothing but a book, yet they pray to some dude called Jesus and his daddy called God. Supposedly, Jesus is God's human form and his son, yet God is God's human form's daddy. So who's God's daddy? Confusing? As the christians like to do, blame it on the God.. How did Jesus get virgin birthed? XY chromosome from Virgin Mary who has XX chromosomes, since no sperm was involved, where did the Y chromosome(male) come from?
All the christians I've asked is "It's a miracle, it was from God" - My point is "When in doubt, blame it on the God"
So, take this stuff cautiously if you want. Magick may not be real, but one thing is real for sure, spiritual energy which is chi also known as psi.
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 9
Christianity is only 2000 years old. Even though the China Emperor fell for the first Christian preachers, today, Buddhism and spiritual practice is still strong. You can feel the Psi ball in your hands if you follow the youtube guide, that I gave in my above post. It may not feel like a ball, but your hands become warm, and if you maintain concentration, if you move your left hand out a bit, the center of your right hand near your palm, you will feel a small sensation, it is not imagination, because as soon as you lose concentration or your relaxed state of mind, if you get excited, suddenly you feel the link between the palm sides of your hands disappear. Christianity has no proof but a book. Spiritual practice, you can feel the energy that you channel out, oh, you can do the same with your right hand, move your right hand to the right a bit, and keep concentrated, and you should feel a very slight tugging sensation in the center of your left hand.
Um, itsatrap, there's heaps of Christians that read the bible. Do you read the Bible?
There's lots of racists. Are you a racist?
Because many old chinese people in parks do Tai Chi does not mean it is true, psi balls, are the simplest of all to experience what Tai Chi is about, except Tai Chi takes a long detour and you learn to reflect on yourself on that detour.
I have experienced Psi energy, which is also know as chi energy, which is why I know it is true. I can only make them when I'm in my pyjamas, and usually near midnight where most noises are gone, so they don't distract me. I can't make psi balls in my school uniform, it's too uncomfortable.
The Chinese invented Gunpowder, the Christians followed a book, to this day, no one can find physical evidence that the contents is true. Gunpowder however.. is prevalent in guns.. Chinese people only used Tai Chi, Psi energy, and they didn't use spells, rather random herbs that had medicinal properties. Since there were more healers and not enough Christians, they weren't called witches..
I never said Christianity is wrong because of their numbers, but using logic and science (which I'm sure you love) where does the Y chromosome pop up from in Jesus, if Mary was a virgin?
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Re: Magic is fantasy...
Post # 10
Brilliant, it makes me smile ;)
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