Helping a child in need..

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Helping a child in need..
Post # 1
I have a 5 year old little girl who is going through a very, very rough time. She constantly complains that she doesn't want to go on the supervised visits with her biological father, yet gets drawn in very easily by the MATERIALISTIC things that he gives her. She is easily won over with things, yet when she gets out she becomes depressed, angry, even violent towards me. Is there anything I can do to help her get past the materials and the fear of telling him the truth and standing up for herself?

I spend all my time trying to help her sort through what she is feeling and why she feels that way. I have no problem with her seeing him and yet the only reason I get upset after the visits is the emotional torrent that occurs with her towards me. It's like getting pulled into the ocean by a strong undertow.
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Re: Helping a child in need..
Post # 2
I'm afraid that the only thing that I can suggest is to tell the social worker involved.

I'm sure there are others here that could be of more use. Something that a friend of mine used to do before visits was to take the children somewhere nice, like the cinema, swimming something they enjoy so they aren't quite so anxious about going in the first place.
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Re: Helping a child in need..
Post # 3
I would just keep talking to her. If I know one thing, then it is that talking does help. It may make it worse for some people, but for most, espcially little kids, it works. I'm an empath so I know what it feels like. Just talk, whether it is about that or not, but just try to win her trust, her FULL trust, to were she wouldn't hurt you. Talk to her about random things, if she pulls away, keep trying. Try playing games with her, she would probably use it as like an escape. Try this, if it doesn't work, then I don't know what you should do! But this should work.
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Re: Helping a child in ne
Post # 4
You have to be a parent.. you cannot go just because she is complaining about it.. for GOD SAKE.. she is a child.. O_O five years old.. hardly can tell from what is bad or good. WORST OF IT ALL.. I hardly think she knows that she is drawn by material stuff.. is more than that.. -_- at the age kids are selfcenter.. is all about them.. and besides you are speculating here.. if you think something serious is going on.. you will have to go with professionals such as social workers and psychologists. For real.. do not let your child set the rules, that is bad parenting.
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Re: Helping a child in need..
Post # 5
I have tried talking to her, distracting her, correcting her, I've even put her into therapy and still she is rather violent towards me. I am not a bad parent, I am looking for an alternative to spanking or using corporal punishment of any kind. I don't believe that hitting a child no matter how violent is the answer to solving the problem. I know that she's only five years old, and since you don't seem to know the entire story maybe some people should keep their quick judments to themselves. No parent is a bad parent when reaching out for answers.
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Re: Helping a child in need..
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
If you are asking for a magical solution to your child acting out after visits with her father, the only advice I can give you about it would be to do a protection spell on your child. There are a few different ways to go about it, I personally would go with a mojo bag. A tailismin would work too and it would be my second choice. Also you could use both.
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Re: Helping a child in ne
Post # 7
There you go again.. assuming Judi.. O_O I never said anything about hitting your child.. and never said about you being a bad parent.. but doing bad parenting by letting the child set the rules.. there is a different.. ^_^ but that is me either way.. I am the oldest of my three brothers.. and seven sisters.. and out of all of them.. I being taking care of my two brothers and six sisters.. O_O so, I know how kids act.. and it is not necessary to be punishing them to make their act straight.. but to show authority, and teach respect.. and talk to them like five year old kid.. not a grown person.. they will be looking with question marks in their faces ^_^ and also talk to the father...?_? And no, I will not keep my opinion to myself.. since I am a proud flippant.. and you asked for it by making a statement of your situation so random people can come and give a perspective that perhaps you have not thought about.. if you did not want an answer to this thread.. to bad.. YOU FOUND ONE ^_^ Ain't that great?
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