What religion is this?

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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 4
I agree with JSR 100% however... because i *feel* this does not appease you and you need a name to help you *fit*?

First off... Yes, i agree *all religions are real* to a CERTAIN extent... example: if all religions are real that would be the *complete paradox* look at it this way... say Christianity was real (that's what you are saying) then that means the devil/satan is ALSO real... what about Buddhisim who don't even believe in a *devil*? (oh yes it does!!!!... ahh... you are talking about the *god of destruction*??? That is just the *secondary aspect* of the Buddhist's God/goddes ... the endless cycle of *death and rebirth* other religions have *no devil* so... which one is real?

now... i will try to help you the only way i know...

if you NEED a name i would call it *The all ecompasing of all that is* (or put simply *the acceptence and respect of all truth and falacies*)... to me... this is THE *religion*... it is the *ancient of the ancient* so... do not worry for in my personal oppinion if the above is whyat you were trying to explain and you believe and understand ALL to be true... then you are a very *old soul* indeed!
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 5
Have a look at Hermetism.sounds close to what your describing.which is similar to my beleaf.

Another example can be found in Konstantinos book'Nocturnal Witchcraft' chapter three,page 37 ,Finding the Source
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 6
In the book,there is no mention of a name given to that belief.but says that the name given to that belief's dietie is 'The Source'.it's to long to repeat it here.thus I gave the location to find it.if you want to take 5he time.
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 7
Sorry.it's spelled,Hermeticism.
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 8

Could you be interested in chaos magick or be an eclectic pagan/witch/etc? In how I categorize myself as 'gray', and I know the whole thing about magick and 'colors' but for me, it represents that impossible paradox and how so many things mean so many different things from this place to another. Even if, as some have mentioned in this thread before, there is no "bad guy" in a religion, it could also be a destroyer of sorts, it does not need to be clearly mentioned but at some point, if you look closely to the basics, it all seems to come from the same energy/branch off from the same place.

Tradition, culture, language, intention throughout history, power, greed, goodwill, etc have shaped all these practices and religions over the years. I also believe that everything is valid but also invalid, every single thing is a reality to someone though it is not in another situation or to another person.

I also think that all deities are valid, but they all come from the same type of higher energy or the same time of energy that fits into what ever they categorize as ( as when one would categorize demons or low level energies such as that or higher ups and so on ) and they have many different representations for each kind of person so many could understand, and thus control that aspect of that religion in that land in that culture with those peoples.

It's good to be open minded but there's also a certain thing about it: It can become too vast and varied to keep track of.

tl;dr(too long; didn't read):

I think I'm in the same boat, and so far everyone says to me that I'm eclectic and recommend me going further into chaos magick

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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 9
Could the religion you are possibly looking for called Omnism? It is the recognition and respect of all religions. And belief that they all contain truths. I'm not sure but this is a possibility?
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 10
I am so sorry for the late reply! I forgot I can look into my history tab XD

What I meant by saying all religions are real, is that each one gives you a different perspective and outlook on life, and betters your soul into understanding everyone's point of view later on in your reincarnations. So, if you're catholic in one lifetime, then you will die and go into that form of paradise or hell for a long period of time because it gives you a sense of what weight your choices have and much more. Then, in the next lifetime, let's say you're an athiest. This means that, when you pass on, you float in nothing for a while or are immediately reincarnated because that particular belief system makes you more independent and allows you to grow as an individual for yourself.

That's what I meant. All the religions are real in my eyes because they are all made from the many different gods as learning experiences and ways you can better yourself as a person. Then, once you go through every religion, and you become a great human that does something remarkable on this planet (like Ghandi, Martin Luther, Jesus, Abraham, etc.) you will go back to the gods and live in bliss or become part of that source once again. It's hard to explain it, but that's the best way that I can XD I'm sorry if it is confusing!
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 11
You know, you could be right on this! I'll look into it!
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 12
That could be it as well! I'll also look into this!
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Re: What religion is this?
Post # 13
I think, you have too wide interests. Less is sometimes more.
In meditations and similar techniques is the best choose one main road.
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