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Post # 1
I wanna learn magic, but I'm not sure HOW. If there's any experienced witches reading this, please teach me a little bit of magic. Thanks.
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Re: Help?
Post # 2


It is an important note that simply practicing magic doesn't make you a witch and that every culture has some type of magical aspect to it. We should also understand that there are different areas of magic and occultism so it might be substantially beneficial if you looked into such topics to see which one you might be interested in.

Often, most of us here recommend the basics. They are a really helpful list to start off with but there are some drawbacks. Though the basics are a useful compilation of common knowledge and practices that serve beneficial to newer practitioners, they are not everything and turn out to be highly subjective. We have found that there are different topics covered in the basics to be unneeded by different practitioners (e.x. meditation) and aren't really considered basic if you are willing to dig down deeper and set aside westernized variations of these beliefs (e.x. chakras). It is also important to note that you will see different topics adapted as part of "the basics" on different websites and sources. You can find different lists of the basics in the Articles section and General Info in the forums section of the website.

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