Merry Meet everyone

CovenSpell Casters ► Merry Meet everyone
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Merry Meet everyone
Post # 1
Hi, I'm new to the site/forum/coven and wanted to say a quick hello. I have been a practicing solitary witch for about 15 years and am simply looking for like minded folks. Blessed be
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Re: Merry Meet everyone
Post # 2
Merry Meet to you as well.

I hope you will enjoy this web site and please don't let yourself misguided by the existance of fantasy spells and the continous bug from people that ask to be morphed into mythical creatures.

Even if Hollywood seems to have made its way here,there still are reliable people who really understand magik is a complete lifestyle,not a joke or a role playing game.
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Re: Merry Meet everyone
Post # 3
Thanks for the welcome. No worries on the fluff lol. I've been a practicing witch for going on 20 years. I've looked around here quite a bit and I look forward to connecting with like minded people.
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