Need to boost my magic

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Need to boost my magic
Post # 1
Hi I'm a practitioner of magic
But I won't practice it regularly
Still I feel energy inside me
And I really need good suggestions to boost my powers and so I turn to be a perfect witch...
Thanks :-)
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Re: Need to boost my magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You want energy but not to cast regularly? Also, while you don't need to cast spells to be 'a perfect witch' you do need to work on your craft fairly regularly to achieve your goal.

There's a number of things you can try but they're best done regularly, some daily.

Charging, grounding, centering, shielding, balancing your chakras, and meditation are some things to be done daily so you can connect with energy better. Making psi balls can also help.

Regular cleansing and protection of you home is another good idea. You can also strive to include cleansing into your weekly cleaning routine. You might also wish to look into kitchen witchery where you include magick into your food.

There are many other things you can try to become 'a perfect witch' but it requires mindfulness and daily effort.
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Re: Need to boost my magic
Post # 3

I applaud your enthusiasm, but in all honesty, you don't need to practice regularly, some people only practice once a month. A lot of us feel the energy is inside of and around us. You don't need to "boost" your powers to be a great witch, in actuality I don't think there is such a thing as a "perfect witch". We all make mistakes once and a while, so if you want to say "perfect" it could be taken in different ways.

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Re: Need to boost my magic
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Zeus is correct. I have many friends who don't even hold circle beyond Samhain and Yule. Most have stopped casting spells since they got out of high school. They're still witches because they observe the seasons and can sense the changes around them. Life is busy so don't kick yourself if you can't cast a spell a day and hold circle 1-4 times a month. Find the balance for yourself.

Also, there is no textbook definition of 'the perfect witch' outside of the one in our head. Witchcraft is a constant learning cycle, so long as you keep at it you're fine. Daily practice [meaning combining the magickal and the mundane] will help you get better and noticing the energy around you. Do what you can.
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