
CovenSpell Casters ► Meditation
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Post # 1
hi does anyone have any meditation tips?
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Re: Meditation
By: / Novice
Post # 2
there are many different forms of meditation, the key is to relax.

walking meditation is a thing, you could try that out if you want. take a walk in a park [no detractions, no music, no friend, no cell phone] and just observe the world around you. take slow deep breathes and let your mind wander, but make sure not to dwell on any thoughts [meaning if you randomly think 'what should i have for dinner?' don't respond, focus on a smell or sound, instead of replying 'chicken, maybe a salad... haven't had rice in a while']

you could also lay on the grass and watch the clouds. this is another form of meditation.

when you plan to do a stereotypical meditation, get comfortable. if you can't sit in the lotus position, don't. [i sit on my bed, sometimes my legs are crossed, but normally one's straight and the others slightly bent with my back straight.] i know some people who lie down, again, whatever's right for you. close your eyes and take slow deep breathes. if you have trouble 'shutting off' your mental chatter, you could use soothing music [no lyrics is better or you might get detracted] a metronome or ticking clock, chimes, bells, or simply focus on your breath. remember, some days will be easier than others to meditate, just go with the flow.

i read a book once where a guy went on a 2 week meditation retreat, for the first few days all he could hear was 'barbie girl' by aqua stuck in his head, after that he started to focus on and hate the man sitting next to him [his breathing was upsetting the author] the day after all these painful memories bubbled to the surface until finally everything went away and he found the calm people talked about. he asked the instructors about this and they said it was perfectly normal. the brain is aloud to relax so it goes through all these detractions and gargen until it can actually quiet down.

one last thing, if you can't find the time to meditate, or can't still still, that's fine too. try the 10 breath method. sit comfortably and take ten slow, deep breathes. if you have time, take ten more. that should relax you even if a little, and give your brain a bit of a break as well.
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Re: Meditation
Post # 3
thank you very much very helpful i appreciate it =)
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Re: Meditation
Post # 4
just clear your mind and dont create the feeling just let yourself in the momment dont think just be in the now
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Re: Meditation
Post # 5
@ zern thanks sound good i'll try that
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Re: Meditation
Post # 6
no prob if you have question about it just email me ^^
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Re: Meditation
Post # 7
Thx ill definitely try it coz i struggle sometimes to meditate
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