researching to learn

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researching to learn
Post # 1
I'm new to this forum, but have been looking at it for a while. I posted in the main forum, but I didn't know if this would be a better place. I'm researching and trying to learn more about casting spells. If I am able to visualize something, do I just think about what I want? Do I say it out loud? I feel like a lot of information I've found is contradictory. Also, I've seen several people here say that the spells on this site are fake, and some say that you have to create your own. Is this just a preference?
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Re: researching to learn
Post # 2
I haven't really seen anything that fits with what I'm looking for.
I have a lot of stress and worry over things I cannot control. This is effecting many areas of my life in a negative way. I feel like I have a negative attitude because of it. I am looking for something to alleviate some of this unnecessary stress.
Also, because of this stress a long term relationship has recently ended. I don't want to try and change someone's free will, but I treated this person in a negative way because of my own stress and now they associate negative emotions towards me. For this, I am wanting them to remember me and view me in a positive manner in hopes for a friendship. I know they still care.
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Re: researching to learn
Post # 3

I would suggest talking to your physician. They may be able to prescribe you something for the stress and provide mood elevators.

I've personally found that yoga and meditation can help, as can distancing yourself from things you find brings out such feelings or emotions on you.
Perhaps talk to this person and explain the situation to them? I think reaching out and offering the olive branch, so to speak, might be a good course of action.
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Re: researching to learn
Post # 4
Well said. Many spells here are fake, but you are a rare person that truly understands the true meaning of magic. You're not that airbender wannabe, but you are a master of magic. You're even better then me, and I've been studying spells and magic for a couple of years, and actually testing it. *applauds*
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Re: researching to learn
Post # 5
How did you get started? I mean, to feel like you really had an understanding of what/how you should proceed? I've seen and read a lot of things here that make sense, but putting them all together seems to be my hangup.
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Re: researching to learn
Post # 6

I would suggest starting with your basics. Doing so can help give you a better understanding of magic and help you better understand how to work with it.

I would direct you to the featured articles, the Basics Expanded, and the Starting out threads. I've added links to them and a few other threads, below.
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