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New here
Post # 1
Hi everybody,

I joined this website and group to learn much more about magick. I am very interested in spellcraft in order to have more control of my life.

For about the last year or more I attempted to get started in the Golden Dawn system but it was not really what I was looking for so I decided to go for spellcraft rather than ceremonial magick with it's pomp and circumstance.

I am struggling to get started due to being legally blind. It is a challenge but I am committed to learn spellcraft. I hope to make some new friends and learn from you all. i'm excited to be here and feel that by being here and learning from you all that I'll be able to unlock my own potential.

I do not want to hurt anyone but if someone is making my life very difficult I want them to get out of my way. I really got into this for the sake of making my life and the life of my wife better so that we might be able to find ourselves into a better living situation.

Thank you all for your time,
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Re: New here
Post # 2
Hello and welcome!

Before diving into the great sea of magick, I suggest defining who your personal divinity is. I recently gave this tip to another member:

"I know a generality I wish I had known before I began my path into Wicca. The first would be to refrain from performing spells until you have developed your own personal sense of what the divine is. Is it God? The Goddess? Both? The Earth/Gaia? Does the divine in your sense bear no name? And is the divine a separate entity from you - or do you believe divinity is everywhere, including within your own spirit? I'd first take the time to figure out how to define the divinity you personally believe in, then create a relationship and bond with him/her/it. Speak to the divine, feel it and sense it in your world. If I had done this first instead of hopping right into rituals, I'd have created much better and meaningful spells from the beginning instead of fumbling around, seeking the rituals that felt right."

If you already have, pay no attention to this tip!

May you find what you seek :) Blessed Be (:
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Re: New here
Post # 3
A great many of the spells here are, in fact, fake. Obviously, a spell to control the elements, weather, those that claim to turn you into an animal, etc are fake. Through this explanation I'll tell you what one definition of true magic, really is.

There are many definitions on what magic is, but I will give you my definition. Magic, in essence, is energy. It is an unseen, untapped form of natural, spiritual energy that flows within us and around us.Magic can be used to help you reach realistic goals or to get closer to nature and your higher, spiritual self.
Magic is ruled by scientific law. Meaning, if you can't do it with science or other natural means, then you can't do it with magic.
To use magic, you first need to understand how it works. As previously stated, it is energy within nature. We can manipulate this energy and send it out into the universe to bring things to us, change aspects within us or in those around us, heal, protect, etc. The most common way that this is done is through focus and visualization. For example, if I were working toward the goal of healing someone close to me, I would focus on them being healthy and happy. I would then raise energy within myself (common forms of energy raising include chanting, dancing, or drawing in energy from the world around you.) I would then take that built up energy and send it out into the universe to bring about my goal. As I sent this energy out, I would visualize the ill individual receiving it and using it to speed their healing process.
All that being said, you can use spells you find here, as long as they are real. Making your own may offer you better results, as they have more meaning to you and have been fine tuned to fit your own personl goal, as opposed to something someone else wrote. However, if they are something like the fake spells, I mentioned, you will not get results. Something I always tell new members is this: Common Sense is your friend. Use it wisely.
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