I am in need of help

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I am in need of help
Post # 1
I am in need of the help of the Coven to help me with a spell I been working on but my power is not as strong as it once reason.
I been working on a spell or 3 to help my adopted sister get the guy she is in love with, I am working on one for the guy I am in love with and want a job with his company.
I need help with a spell to help me pay off my college loans and bills.

Please help me.
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Re: I am in need of help
Post # 2
Two love spells, a career spell, and a money spell.

First of all, you do have the strength to set your good intentions into motion in the universe. Perhaps that's where you should start. Look up spells for strength and note what pieces of spells feel right to you*. Then, create your own spell for strength and perform it on a full moon. I say full moon b/c it symbolizes our full potential, and it looks as if you need help discovering your full & true potential. You must start with faith in yourself.

As far as love spells go, I cannot help you with these. I do not believe we can go as far as bending another's will with spells, but this is a personal belief. However, I would recommend creating a spell(s) for understanding the one you are in love with. Perhaps a spell asking the universe for your energy and the one you love's to attract to one another. I suppose this could be regarded as a love spell, so long as you aren't asking specifically for them to "fall in love with me" - since that would imply pulling a person against their free will. Let them fall in love with you through improving yourself with spells directed at your own energy and intentions. Same for your sis.

For a job/career - look into spells of self-improvement; talent; confidence in your endeavors. You can get that job/career path if you truly seek it and use spells to anchor your intentions, but a spell won't simply give the job to you. The same applies with money. For money, look into wealth & procurement spells and create your own.

Know that spells will help guide your intentions, not give you what you are meant to seek for yourself. While I didn't list any spells, I do hope this helps you.

May you find what you seek. Blessed Be.
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