Completely New...

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Completely New...
Post # 1
Hi there! I only found this website yesterday and joined today. I tried my first spell about 20 minutes ago, trying to bring rain.
I think I need to do some more research on magick and such but I have no idea where to start!
I've always believed in MAGIC since I was little. My desire to look into spells started when a relative randomly flipped to a page in a spell book at a bookstore, stating there was something for me. She was right, a spell was there relating to a topic we had just discussed yet the spell mentioned a specific detail I had not told her about!
Please share any tips or ideas to research, Thank you!
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Re: Completely New...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

To use magic, you first need to understand how it works. Magic, essentially is energy within nature. We can manipulate this energy and send it out into the universe to bring things to us, change aspects within us or in those around us, heal, protect, etc. The most common way that this is done is through focus and visualization.

For example, if I were working toward the goal of healing someone close to me, I would focus on them being healthy and happy. I would then raise energy within myself (common forms of energy raising include chanting, dancing, or drawing in energy from the world around you.) I would then take that built up energy and send it out into the universe to bring about my goal. As I sent this energy out, I would visualize the ill individual receiving it and using it to speed their healing process.
Something else to keep in mind,magic is ruled by scientific law. Meaning, if you can't do it with science or other natural means, then you can't do it with magic.This means you can't controlweather, you can't control the elements, you can't change your gender, etc.
I would all suggest you read over the following links.
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