dumb question

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dumb question
Post # 1
Hi I'm really new at this. Frankly, I stumbled across this website and decided to make a membership. But I was to learn how to do spells and such. From what I've been reading the best way to do that is to join a coven? So i found this forum and I was just wondering how I go about applying
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Re: dumb question
By: / Novice
Post # 2
best way to cast spells? you don't need a coven, study and practice. on the main forums of the site there are some lists of books and articles to help you, but i will try to give you a brief explanation.

magick is a neutral energy found in nature, when we cast a spell we charge this energy into our body, then direct it into the objects being used in the spell [also known as charging] then we focus on the task at hand while visualizing the desired outcome [say your crush asking you out] and through the steps in the spell [burning a candle, saying a chant, visualizing] the energy is given a positive or negative charge and is set on a path to bring the required subtle change necessary to create the desired outcome of the spell. this of course is not instant and will take time. magick only effects energy, not physical changes [teleportation, transformation, so on] also, the spell will align things to bring your desire [your crush won't knock on your door and ask you out, but they might sit next to you at lunch and comment on a book you're reading]

covens are helpful, but they're more of a learning group and support system, it isn't necessary for spell work [online you need to be in a covens council to post spells, otherwise, you don
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