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Post # 91
Magic for the Dead

In the afterlife, it was important for the deceased to be equipped with magical
spells for their protection. The earliest collection of such spells were found inscribed
inside Old Kingdom royal pyramids. These are called _________ since they were
inscribed on the walls of the _________. Approximately 800 of these incantations have
been found. Osiris first appears in these texts as the lord of the dead.

Post # 92
In the afterlife, it was important for the deceased to be equipped with magical spells for their protection. The earliest collection of such spells were found inscribed inside Old Kingdom royal pyramids. These are called "Pyramid Texts" since they were inscribed on the walls of the pyramids. Approximately 800 of these incantations have been found. Osiris first appears in these texts as the lord of the dead.


Post # 93
That right My Lady. *hands the cookies back to Belza*

Post # 94
a mythical creature of Scandinavian folklore originating from Norse paganism.--------- were believed to take care of a farmer's home and children and protect them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the housefolk were asleep
The --------was often imagined as a small, elderly man (size varies from a few inches to about half the height of an adult man), often with a full beard; dressed in the everyday clothing of a farmer. However, there are also folktales where he is believed to be a shapeshifter able to take a shape far larger than an adult man, and other tales where the ------- is believed to have a single, cyclopean eye. Since he was thought to be skilled in illusions and able to make himself invisible, one was unlikely to get more than brief glimpses of him no matter what he looked like. It has similar characteristics as a red elf.

who is he ??

i just love this littel man i have one on my alter and yes i give him love ect dont wornt himt to be mad lol

Post # 95
The tomte/nisse is a mythical creature of Scandinavian folklore originating from
Norse paganism and in ancient times was believed to be the "soul" of the first inhabitor
of the farm. The tomte/nisse was usually described as a short man (under four feet tall)
wearing a red cap with a tassel. Nisse were believed to take care of a farmers home and
children and protect them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the house folk were
asleep. Despite his smallness, the tomte/nisse possessed an immense strength. Even though
he was protective and caring he was easy to offend, and his retributions ranged from a
stout box on the ears to the killing of livestock or ruining of the farms fortune.

AKA Santa Clause

Post # 96
hands the cookie to amare but keeps 2 one for me and one for my Nisse

Post # 97
In Egyptian mythology, _______________ was the
deification of the floods of the Nile River, and her cult originated in the ancient
city of Swenet, now called Aswan on the southern edge of Egypt. Her name means
she who shoots forth referring to the annual flooding of the river. She was an early
war, hunting, and fertility deity who was seen as the mother of the Nile River,
Anuket, and a protector of southern Egypt

Post # 98
Satis ??

Post # 99
*quicky hides a cookie in her pocket and hands the rest to Belza*
That right.

Post # 100
Ok un till belza gets back with those cookies im going to hide the one that i kept.

What is the name of this;

The __________________________ also known as the___________________

First let me tell you that this information is not teaching you how to Conjure up a Spirit....
it is simply shedding some light on one of the tools used in the Art.

Ah yes... The ___________________.... the second most important tool for the
Conjuring Magician next to the Magical Circle. The ______________ is used in conjunction
with the Magic Circle. It is to sit outside the Magic Circle just a few feet away.
What is it and what does it do, you ask?
It is used in the Conjuring of the Demonic or Celestial/Angelic spirits. It is in this Triangle
that they will appear and are forced to obey. Why will it make them obey? Because it has 3
Sacred names of God - Tetragrammaton, Primeumaton, and Anaphaxeton one on each side and it
has the name Michael (Archangel Michael) which is split into 3 sections MI - CHA - EL. This contains
the spirit from escaping and compels them to obey. This does not mean in every case they are going
to obey you... but it helps the process. Some Magicians such as the Great Crowley would use Fresh
Blood of a Sacrificed animal in the Triangle to attract the Demon. For Blood is the Life force and Demons
thrive on it. Crowley would Sacrifice three white doves and pour the Blood into each corner of the
Triangle... the Demon would stay until the life force was exhausted, then Demon would leave. This
is not something for you to be going out and trying. Those of you whom are reading this are not the
experienced and you would only end up possessed or Dead. This is just for your interest and thirst for

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